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LukewarmGravity's avatar

Text editor Overrides Spellcheck OS: Windows 11 (Desktop) Browser: Chrome

Description - In the text editor, when a misspelling is detected by chrome and the correct version clicked from the available options, this is ignored by the editor.

Tested this on numerous threads and can replicate every time.

Mark's avatar

Thanks LukewarmGravity. I'll get this logged.

<nudge> only posts made in the bounties are eligible for the rewards. C+P your post over here so you don't miss out. 💰


Currently cannot connect any social media accounts to the platform due to invalid URI coming back from the social media platforms.

When connecting Twitch the response is:

  • error=redirect_mismatch&error_description=Parameter+redirect_uri+does+not+match+registered+URI&state=twitch

When connecting Google / Youtube the response is: - You can’t sign in because this app sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue. Learn more about this errorIf you are a developer of this app, see error details.Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch


Paul Hartling's avatar

Avatar upload forever refresh

OS: iOS.5.1

Browser: Chrome

Description: When about to upload an avatar to Profile > Edit Profile, tap the camera icon to upload your avatar then tapping elsewhere on the screen results in the camera icon to spin endlessly.

Damien Mason's avatar

Enabling a link preview overtakes text in a post.

OS: Windows 10 (Desktop) Browser: Firefox Monitor resolution: 3840 x 2160

Description - I edited this post to include a link to the relevant topic that was originally missing. It automatically generated a preview, but this box dominated the text so it was no longer visible. After submitting the changes, all that was live on the post was a giant preview box. Editing the post once again to remove the preview fixed this, as the text reappeared.

What happened:

What it should be:

Dave's avatar

Long words such as this one with a connecting / break the page layout. Android, brave.


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