Just offers an entirely new model for rewarding creators. This article is your one-stop members' guide to how our rewards work, how to win more of them, how to receive your real-money winnings, and everything else you need to get you up and running.
If you have any questions, just tag me Rich, our community manager Boomer, or anyone else with the 'staff' flair in the replies. We'll be glad to help!
Rewards on Just
What are rewards? Who funds them?
How rewards work
How to win more rewards
AI content policy
How to connect your social accounts
How to connect PayPal and get paid from Just
How and when payouts happen
Our browser extension
Our Discord bot
Rewards on Just
Passionate, knowledgeable fans make the best stuff on the internet. Unfortunately it's extremely difficult to earn from said stuff until you’ve built a huge audience.
At Just, our unique reward system cuts you in on the value you create no matter how big you are. Here's how…

What are rewards? Who funds them?
Just's rewards are content creation contests which ask members to make something for a real-money prize.
Rewards are set and judged by the Just content team, each offering real-money prizes in exchange for your submissions.
If your content is selected as a winner, you get the promised prize. Ker-ching!
Submissions win if they provide what the reward asks for at a level of quality that adds value to the community.
We sometimes hear that this sounds too good to be true. Here's why it's true anyway: most prizes are funded by our brand partners, and our system works because it's a great deal for them, too - we connect them at scale with real fans like you whose content is authentic and expert.
If you represent a game or a brand and want to do this, click here to learn more.
How rewards work
In each reward post you’ll find clear instructions about what you’re asked to make for that reward, the prizes for winning submissions, and everything else you need to know.
Please read all reward instructions carefully. We want to award your submissions as much as you want us to do so, but we can't if you haven't met the brief!
Most rewards on Just are evergreen rewards. That means that:
Submissions will be judged and awarded on a regular basis
To receive a prize, your submission must meet all eligibility criteria and be of good quality; we will reject entries that don't add real value to the community!
The reward will have a very long deadline (three months, by default), so you can take as long as you need over your submission
Some rewards can't follow the evergreen format. This may be because they’re time-sensitive (e.g. they're based on an in-game event) or they can’t be awarded until all entries have been submitted (e.g. if they offer higher prizes for a first-, second-, or third-place - we call these 'podium' rewards). In these cases the reward will only close after its deadline passes.
Please see the 'rewards' section of our Terms of Use for more information.
How to win more rewards
Just exists to reward authentic knowledge, passion, and creativity, from real fans.
Several things follow from this when it comes to the kind of content we're hoping to see. To maximise your chances of winning a reward, follow these guidelines:
Share your own original thoughts and ideas! Don't rely on generative AI and certainly don't plagiarise (copy content from others without crediting). Please read the Community Code of Conduct and see our AI content policy in the next section for more details.
Read the reward description and instructions carefully! It's tempting to skim the details, but to keep things fair for all members we will reject submissions that don't meet the brief.
Submit in good faith and make great stuff! Resist the urge to 'spam' many rewards with low-quality content; for other members, it's just as dispiriting to read human authors who don't know or care about the topic as it is generic AI slop. Instead, follow the spirit of the reward as well as the letter, create content that adds value, and say something that Google, an AI, or an uninformed human could not.
AI content policy
Low-effort use of generative AI anywhere on Just is likely to be judged antisocial and will carry penalties.
If a member simply copy-pastes from an AI into a reward submission, or indeed a community discussion:
It adds no unique value. Anyone can do this. It requires no experience that is specific to the creator. It contains no authenticity, no knowledge, no passion, no humanity.
Even if such submissions contain useful content, pasting them into our platform likely indicates a low-effort attempt to snatch reward prizes rather than to add value. That's not fair on those who are making an effort.
Most of these submissions won’t meet the standards of quality that we want to hit with all content on Just.
There’s also the risk of copyright infringement. Current generative AIs are trained on existing content, and if they then regurgitate that content in a way that breaches copyright we can’t accept that on the platform, and may have to apply the measures in our copyright policy to any member that posts it. Please read that policy and take whatever steps are necessary to avoid its wrath.
Where a member is suspected of using generative AI in these👆low-effort or antisocial ways, Just's community and content team will generally observe the following procedure:
New accounts which submit to large numbers of rewards with AI-suspected content, or create large numbers of AI-suspect posts, will be banned without warning.
Members which have some history of authentic, good-faith activity may receive a friendly warning on AI-suspect posts. Next steps may vary depending on how this warning is received, but if antisocial use of AI continues, a ban will usually follow; the benefit of the doubt is gone.
Note that the details of individual cases may require us to deviate from this procedure, and that, per our terms of use, Just reserves the right to revoke access to the platform for any reason.
How to connect your socials
It's very important to us at Just that we allow - indeed, encourage - content creators to keep using whatever platforms they're most comfortable with. We want to add to what you're already doing, bolstering your efforts with a new audience and extra rewards on Just.
For this to work, it’s vital that we can verify who originally created a piece of content, and differentiate them from someone who shares it. This is particularly important when it comes to content shared on third-party platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
Certain rewards posted on Just will require or encourage creation on these platforms. In order to make eligible submissions, you’ll need to connect the appropriate account to your Just profile. This is a simple, secure process that uses each platform’s official API to verify that you’re the owner of the account in question.
Which platforms does Just support?
We’re always looking at new platforms to support, but at this stage you can connect the following third-party accounts to your Just profile:
X (Twitter)
To receive any earnings you’ve accumulated on Just, you’ll also need to connect a PayPal account and ensure incoming payments are active.
How do I link my accounts?
This is easy. First of all, make sure you're logged into the account that you want to connect with your Just profile.
Then follow these steps:
Click your Just profile avatar
Select 'Linked Accounts' from the header options
Click the 'Connect' button under each platform
Just and the third-party platform will then shake hands, and you’ll be asked to confirm that you wish to proceed.
Connect PayPal and get paid on Just
Connecting your PayPal account to your Just account allows us to pay out the earnings you’ve received on the platform. Again, the process is easy and secure using PayPal's API.
Step 1 - Connect Just with PayPal
Click on your profile avatar and select 'Settings'
Select 'Linked Accounts' from the tabs along the top
Hit the 'Connect' button underneath the PayPal option
Step 2 - Log in to your PayPal account
Next, log in to PayPal using your PayPal account details
There will then be a short pause while the two systems connect with each other. Once that's finished, you'll be brought back to Just. You're now set up to receive payments from us!
How and when payouts happen
Just has a $25 payout threshold. Payouts occur automatically on the first day of every month.
We publish reminder notices when payout day is coming up. When it does, if you've connected your PayPal to your Just account, and you have over $25 in your platform wallet, its full balance will be disbursed to your PayPal for you to spend however you like!
If you haven't earned $25 to reach the threshold, don't worry. Your wallet balance will, of course, carry over in full to the next month so you can keep building.
Our browser extension
Not everyone has time to make regular appointments with yet another social media platform. We get it. There are too many of these things already.
So wouldn't it be cool if, rather than having to come in and look around on Just, you had a way to take our rewards out of the platform and across the internet?
Enter: our browser extension, Just Rewards. At the moment it's only available for Google Chrome, but you can download it from the Chrome store right now. Let's tell you more.
How does it work?
The idea, in essence: you’ll be browsing around the internet, doing your thing, and then you get notified (in a friendly, unobtrusive way) about a reward opportunity that you should find interesting. This is how it'll look:

You can click to learn more, in which case the notification will unfurl to show the rewards associated with the URL you’re on and others around the platform. Or you can simply ignore it and it will disappear (or click ‘dismiss’), and that domain won’t notify you again for a 24-hour cooldown period.

We want the notifications you get to be relevant to what you’re browsing for. We’ve done this by carefully matching rewards to various URLs across the internet, not by tracking your data or browsing activity - the extension doesn’t do that, and to prove it, the source code is public.
Our Discord bot
The Just Discord bot - splendidly named, though we say so ourselves, JustABot - empowers Discord communities to discover and experience parts of the Just platform in their existing environment.
Using JustABot’s commands, server admins can tailor it to share only the information they choose, into only the channels they choose. If you’ve got a server or a channel that’s focused on, say, EVE Online, and want to filter out rewards concerning other games or topics, that’s possible.
After one simple setup it’s an entirely automated, no-stress way to let your members know about new rewards or even rewards that are due to expire soon.
If you think your members would enjoy that, then you’ll need to know…
How can I add JustABot to my Discord server?
If you’re a server owner and would like to add JustABot to your Discord server, leave a comment on this thread tagging one of the JA team and we'll reach out to help you hook it up. And if you’re enjoying Just and think it might be of interest to a Discord server you belong to, why not point its owner this way?
That just about covers all the big FAQs for now, but we encourage you to check this article often to keep its contents fresh in your mind and catch any updates. Once again, if you have any questions not covered here, need any help, or just want to say hi, tag me Rich, our community manager Boomer, or anyone else with the 'staff' flair.
We hope you're enjoying Just, and we'll see you in the comments!
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