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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So for our videos, We use simple hashtags like #eveonline #eveonlineutorial #eveonlineguide, etc because we feel it's the best way to reach people via that area.

The issue becomes in my opinion when people use tags that have nothing to do with the video itself in terms of attempting to get traffic, this I think needs to be dealt with quickly. I was looking through #eveonline tags and came across so many videos on elite dangerous and star citizens.

But I think in terms of content, if a YouTuber posts three videos a day, that channel should be more visible to people searching for content than say a channel that posts one video every 3 days. Hashtags can help with that.

I think I said this right lol.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I try to use more hashtags on Instagram and Youtube as I know they help a lot with discoverability of the content, but they are always relevant to the content eg for a FFXIV Delubrum Reginae Savage stream where I'm raid leading would be: final fantasy xiv, ff14, ffxiv, final fantasy, raid, healer pov, drs, stream, raid leader pov

On Twitter I would only use one maybe two very specific to the game I'm talking about.

I can't say I fully understand hashtags and how they work, I just know some people would follow hashtags and look through content there, so I'm trying to get my content into the relevant ones. I prefer platforms with clear structures, maybe because of my OCD or because I'm old (fashioned) 😅

So possibly a middle ground would be preferred with a somewhat clear structure but also giving people the option to use hashtags, but probably I would set a limit on how many can be used to still keep it clear and less chance for people to spam too many tags.


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