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Joined six months ago



Share your tales of the Second Thargoid War!

in Elite Dangerous

35 rewards remaining

I have created this short story based on real events as they happened, giving it a narrative touch to make it more enjoyable to read. I had 2 images of the battle, I hope they are enough to represent the event, but I'm sorry I don't have images of when the Anti-Xeno Initiative arrived. I hope you like it.

The Defense of EZ Aquarii: The Battle for Sanger Settlement

Alarms blared across the Sanger Settlement as the sky became a chaotic swirl of energy beams and screaming interceptors. The Thargoids had arrived in full force and our defenses were buckling under the immense pressure. We had held them off as long as we could, but our weapons were beginning to overheat and our ammunition was running low. It was clear: we needed reinforcements, and fast.

The call for help had gone out across the system and the Federation responded quickly, deploying a Farragut-class battlecruiser to reinforce the embattled station. The arrival of the massive warship momentarily turned the tide, its artillery pounding the Thargoid scouts and interceptors with relentless accuracy. The station's defenders took the opportunity to regroup, rearm, and prepare for another wave.

But the fight was far from over. A Hydra-class Thargoid, one of the deadliest Thargoid interceptors, descended upon the battlefield, its caustic weaponry tearing through human ships with ruthless efficiency. Though formidable, it was dwarfed by the mere presence of the Farragut. The Federation cruiser unleashed a devastating bombardment, forcing the Hydra to maneuver on the defensive. However, Thargoid forces swarmed the area, overwhelming our squadron. The order came: retreat and regroup. With heavy hearts, we initiated an emergency jump out of the system, leaving Sanger Settlement behind.

We spent hours coordinating our return, gathering supplies, and planning a counterattack. The data we had gathered on the Hydra’s movements gave us a small hope of exploiting a weakness. Our hearts pounded as we exited the supercruiser back into the war zone. What we saw next was both a surprise and a relief: another Farragut-class battlecruiser had arrived.

With two capital ships in the fray, confidence rose among our ranks. The combined firepower of the Federation tore through the swarm of Thargoid ships, giving us the perfect opportunity to strike at the Hydra. We went at it with everything we had, unleashing plasma blasts and experimental anti-xeno weaponry. Still, the battle remained uncertain. The Hydra was relentless, and for every Thargoid ship we shot down, more seemed to take their place.

Just as we began to fear we would be overrun again, our long-range scanners picked up multiple contacts approaching at high speed. Reinforcements. The Anti-Xeno Initiative had arrived. A dozen, then two dozen independent commanders launched themselves into the system, their ships packed with AX weaponry, all ready to join the fray. The tide of battle changed dramatically.

With new firepower and renewed morale, the combined might of the Federation, our squadron, and the Initiative pilots drove the Hydra back. Its once-formidable shell began to splinter under the attack, and finally, with one last attack, it erupted in a fiery explosion. The remaining Thargoid forces scattered, their attack thwarted.

The battle for Sanger Settlement had been won, but not without a price. The station was badly damaged, and many brave pilots had fallen. However, when the dust settled, one thing was clear: humanity would not bow to the alien threat so easily. We would stand our ground, fight, and defend our home, no matter the odds.

The battle was a hard-fought victory, but the war was far from over. Only a few more systems remained under Thargoid control, and their liberation was within reach. Every battle fought, every settlement reclaimed, brought us closer to the final confrontation. The Federation, the Anti-Xeno Initiative, and the brave independent commanders were ready for what lay ahead. We had faced impossible odds before, and we had prevailed. Now, all eyes turned to the gargantuan Cocijo Titan. Its destruction would be the ultimate symbol of humanity’s resilience and defiance. No matter how fearsome the Thargoids were, no matter how overwhelming their forces seemed, we had something they did not: unity, determination, and the unbreakable will to survive. The war was not over, but victory was within reach. This was not the end. This was only the beginning of our final battle.


Tell us about your longest journey!

in Elite Dangerous

50 rewards remaining

My longest journey has been to HIP 36601 looking for crystalline shards.

I had never made such a long trip and thanks to this I have learned a lot about exploration and above all to have a lot of patience.

I am not a big fan of exploration since I usually spend my time patrolling federation systems but in this case I have taken with me a beautiful journey and many screenshots that I am now using as my wallpaper.

I Started my journey trying to make a neutron star jump, but it was a disaster, the only thing I got was to burn the ship, I need to see a tutorial to be a better explorer😅, my first encounter was this views, simple but I think it's beautiful.

After taking off I made an orbit around the planet and got this nice composition with the sun in the background.

I found this planet with the moon in front of it, i thought it was in a good position for a picture.

Was a calm journey, so I took the time to take several photos from the ground. I was lucky and found several exobiological data.

Curiously, I forgot to take screenshots of the destination of the trip, a shame really.

On my way back I found an ice planet with geysers, and I was able to take this beautiful screenshot.

When I set foot on this moon I got the "first step" message, which made me want to do more and I managed to make several first steps and first surface maps on several moons, which made me very happy.

Finally, before finishing my way back, I stopped at HR 3230 to go get materials from the brain trees.

I managed to capture this nice composition of the trees, the moon, my ship and my vehicle, I don't know how everything got on screen.

After this I made 4 jumps if I remember correctly and I arrived safely to my squadron's carrier. For some it will be a short trip but for me 1500ly is a lot of light years since I don't do this in the game.

The good thing about all this is that I was able to take all these beautiful pictures and I managed to make several first steps, so I'm quite proud of this trip.


Show us your Commander profiles and highlight your greatest achievement!

in Elite Dangerous


  • My in-game speciality:
    I´m a federal agent, I usually patrol federal space and clean it from pirates and imperials

  • My career highlight or greatest achievement:
    My greatest achievement has been becoming the Admiral (leader) of the 3ª Flota de Intervención Federal (3rd Federal Intervention Fleet) and managing to keep the squadron running with the help of my officers.