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Joined seven months ago



⚡Lightning bounty!⚡ Report back from the Assault on Thor

in Elite Dangerous


This is CMDR Andy Fireblade Muza reporting live from the battle of Titan Thor.

At the moment of writing, Thor has 2 fully intact hearts and 1 Heart that is slightly damaged remaining.

Here is a first hand experience of my first run at Titan Thor.

I managed to navigate my way through the horrid Caustic cloud to where the Titan was located with no issues. The heat vents were all closed so I waited patiently to pounce. I selected combat mode and my weapons choice for this phase were the good old Beam Laser and Nanite Torpedoes. I positioned my ship just above the Titan surface and kept my Thermal Vent Beam Laser firing to make my Chieftain cold and keep it cold.

After what seemed like an age (30 seconds) the heat vents opened and I pounced. I targeted the vent, boosted towards it while strafing the ship right while keeping the Beam Laser firing and waited for the torps (Torpedoes) to lock on. Once they had locked on I fired and position the ship to aim at the next vent. I repeated the process until all 8 vents had been hit and were pouring out Blue Coloured Nanite glow.

Next phase was to head toward the exposed Titan core and fire at it while it was exposed. Weapons of choice for this phase were, Beam Laser, Multi Cannons and Enhanced AX Missile Racks.

I locked on to core and fired everything I had at the core, I could see a lot of enemy Thargoids approaching from all around and they included the dreaded Glaives.

A Glaive was hitting my ship with everything it had while I was hitting the Core with everything I had. The core began to close after taking a lot of damage from my self and other Commanders. I started to boost away. To my horror my hull was rapidly declining. I heard the Titan scream from all the damage it had taken.

Unfortunately my hull was now down to 15% and still the Glaive was all over me, hitting me with everything as all I could do was watch helplessly as my hull vanished and my COVAS constantly repeated "Module Malfunction" as my Canopy failed followed by an explosion as I was launched into space at the mercy of everything and everyone around.

All I could do now was hope to be rescued as the alternative would mean an anal probing from the Thargoids.

Here's hoping for the former....