Elite Dangerous is a beautiful game, but it will not appeal to everyone.
You can legitimately earn a living by doing something other than combat or trading. Mining and exploration alone can sustain you if you can be satisfied with the lower-adrenaline game-play loops.
What I think potential players need to be made aware of is....I would not consider Elite Dangerous to be a social game. Yes, you can play with your friends, but don't expect to experience a universe that feels alive and thriving with lots of activity, whether that activity is real players or NPCs. Be prepared to experience the more lonely aspect of living among the stars. Space is huge, we are not. You will spend more time repeatedly looking at the same HUD or menu screens than almost anything else. If this bothers you, carefully consider what it is you're looking for in a realism-focused space-sim.
Do plenty of research first to understand exactly what kind of actual game play you'll be experiencing (watch some YT videos, ask players very specific questions, etc.). Elite Dangerous is a game I'll come back to year-after-year whenever I feel the urge to just see what's out there. I put on some chill music, drown out the noise of life, and just FLY!