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Create a guide on how to play Aphrodite in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining


Introduction and Skills

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty, she is from the Greek Pantheon.

In the game she is represented as a magician and very beautiful girl, who shows love to her allies and rejects the love of her enemies. She has a kiss that provides her with a bond with allies and abilities to heal and protect them.

Passive: Center of Attention

It grants to Aphrodite protections based on nearby gods, both enemies and allies.

First Skill: Kiss

This ability allows her to link to allies providing various benefits to the allies, it provides her movement speed. You can also use it to throw it at the enemy, stunning them and dealing a small amount of damage. If you kiss an enemy while you have an ally linked, the ally will become jealous and gain a temporary damage boost. If you switch links from one ally to another, both will gain jealousy and the temporary damage increase.

Second Skill: Back Off!

Deals damage, pushes and slows enemies around you, if you are linked it also creates an area on your ally of ​​less damage and also slows enemies.

Third Skill: Love Birds

Summons a set of doves that apply temporary damage to enemies they hit, also healing herself and the linked ally.

Definitive Skill: Undying Love

Makes Aphrodite and her linked ally immune to damage and crowd control. If she casts the ability again she will dash towards the ally. Above all, keep in mind that it resets the cooldown of Love Birds.


At this moment she does not have Aspect.

Skills levels priority

3 > 4 > 2 > 1

We will prioritize healing with Love Birds, because it is also her main source of damage, we will continue with Undying Love because it will provide us with opportunities to make good plays, next skill priority is Back Off! a very useful ability to make combos, finally the least useful ability to upgrade is Kiss because it is not as relevant as the others to survive, equally the stun is very useful.

Role position


Her main role is Supp, but you can play her in Mid and Solo, in Mid and Solo she have to play more carreful because Aphrodite is quite weak to Jungle ganks.

Supp Early game: Don't separate from the Adc, upgrade Love Birds first but at level 2 should upgrade Kiss to be able to link.

Mid and Solo Early game: At an early stage you are not good so play safe, prioritize to upgrade Love Birds and then Back Off! because you're alone on the lane most of the time, try to make experience objectives to take advantage of the enemy, also try to hit Love Birds + Back Off! to all the waves minions so that she can clean them more easily.

Supp, Mid and Solo Late game: Try always to get linked your allies to heal and save them, always try to take advantage of the damage you can inflict while doing it.

Example of Supp builds:

Example of Mid builds:

Example of Solo builds:

Good against / Bad against

She is good against characters that don't have much chase because with her skill combo, she will never be able to be reached, on the other way if the enemy has a lot of chase, it will be difficult for her to survive, she is also bad against anti-healing skills and items.

She is a bad choice against: Bachus, Medusa and Chaac.

She is a good choice against: Zeus, Agni, Hades.

Combos and personal opinion

We start the combo with the stun (Kiss), then we use our main source of damage (Love Birds), then try hit basic and quickly use Back Off! to do as much damage as possible.

The combo with ultimate (Undying love) would be Kiss + Love Birds + Ultimate + Love Birds + Basic + Back Off! + Basic. If we see that they are moving away and we are not going to be able to hit them with Back Off!, there is no need to try to hit basic.

She's my favorite goddess, I love her skill combo, I also love her skins and especially that her healing scales with Intelligence, thank you very much! This Aphrodite is more versatile, it's a good balance between the Aphrodite I started playing back in 2016 and the one they reworked a few years ago in Smite 1. I think she's really good and fun now in Smite 2, thanks for the good work.


Create a guide on how to play solo lane in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

How to play Solo Lane

Which gods and goddesses can be played?

The best for solo play are warriors, but the truth is that you can play many gods and goddesses, guardians with hybrid builds, assassins built as warriors, mages with sustain that can hold out, and even some adcs if you are careful.

Warriors explanation


  • Amaterasu

  • Bellona

  • Chaac

  • Hercules

  • Hua Mulan

  • Mordred

  • Odin

Early game:

Start the game killing and taking the blue buff , then try to upgrade your 3 basic skills to face 1vs1.

Mid game:

Take advantage of the enemy solo with the harpies, central warriors and totem, do not forget the wave of minions and at the same time harm the enemy god. Place wards in the jungle if you see it necessary.

Late game:

Try to find 1vs1 fights, warriors are very good at taking damage and dealing damage. Use portals to gank the enemy duo unawares, try to be in as many team fights as possible.

Guardians explanation


  • Bacchus

  • Cabrakan

  • Geb (With Aspect)

  • Sobek

  • Ares

Early game:

You can start by getting the blue buff or by proxy farming minions between tier 1 and tier 2 towers. You are a guardian but at this early stage, you cannot withstand much damage, you are not good at early, so be careful.

Mid game:

Try to take advantage of the enemy with experience objectives, harpies, central warriors and totems, place wards if you see it necessary. Your main damage is to use constant combos with your skills, use them and stay safe.

Late game:

Help your team in as many battles as possible, at this stage of the game you will be able to withstand a lot of damage and will be useful to the rest of your team.

Assassins explanation


  • Fenrir

  • Hun Batz (With Aspect)

  • Nemesis (With Aspect)

  • Thanatos (With Aspect)

  • Pele

Early game:

You can proxy farm, but it's risky, you have good early damage so you can fight the enemy. If you want to start off more safe, you can get the blue buff.

Mid game:

Being an assassin, it will be easier for you to complete experience objectives, so if you do it right you will be able to get an advantage over the enemy Solo. Be careful not to waste your movement skills, the jungler can stalk at any time, use wards if necessary.

Late game:

Make ambushes when you see someone alone or unprotected, you will easily get a kill.

Mages explanation


  • Aladdin

  • Anubis

  • Aphrodite

  • Baron Samedi

  • Hades

  • Ra (With Aspect)

  • Vulcan (With Aspect. mods 2/1/1)

Early game:

It's a good idea to proxy farm, mages have a good minion clearing ability, but you can choose to get the blue upgrade, also in early you have to try to deal damage to the enemy at the same time as you clear the minion wave.

Mid game:

Mages are weak so if you have any sustain skills don't hesitate to use them, try to make as many experience camps as possible so you don't fall behind on the game, it is best to always have wards in the jungle.

Late game:

At this stage of the game you will do a lot of damage and have moderate endurance with the builds I have shown above, take advantage of your combos to win all possible team fights.

Carrys explanation


  • Jing Wei

  • Izanami

  • Neith (With Aspect)

  • Ullr

  • Medusa

Early game:

It is better that you start with the blue buff, if you expose yourself by proxying it will probably not work out well, always take advantage of the distance to be able to clean the minions well, you are very weak and easy to kill.

Mid game:

Try to do as much damage as you can, you will have a good clean of minions and you will be able to lower the enemy's life quite a bit, always try to achieve the experience objectives to beat him in the lane. It is best to use wards in the jungle to protect yourself from ganks.

Late game:

Once you have taken down the Solo tower, prepare to go into teamfights with your team, your damage will be very useful also to do objectives like the Gold Fury.

Personal Opinion

It is a very fun and varied role, I do not recommend that a beginner player because it requires knowing how to play well, it is often risky to attack the enemy since the enemy jungler can appear at any time, in the same way it is very satisfying to win a 1vs2. This is my favorite role and the one I have played the most.


Create a guide on how to play Medusa in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining


Introduction and Skills

Medusa is a goddess of Greek mythology, she is a woman with reference to snakes, she has her face covered with a mask, do not look into her eyes and could petrify you, she is represented in the game as Adc and carries a bow, scale with strength and intelligence.

Passive: With Sidеwindеr you have no movement penalty when attacking and half as much when retreating.

First Skill: Viper Shot, Increases the damage of her next 4 basic attacks, grants her attack speed, and while she lands the hits, the cooldown of the skill is reduced.

Second Skill: Acid Spray, She throws an acid that hits the first enemy creating damage in a cone after that enemy, dealing damage and reducing healing.

Third skill: Lаcеrаtе, Is a forward dash that deals damage to the first enemy it hits also takes root.

Definitive skill: Petrify, She unmasks herself by creating a cone-shaped area where Medusa is looking. If the enemy god looks at Medusa, they will be petrified, receiving damage and being stunned. Likewise, if the enemy is not looking at Medusa, they will also receive damage but is slowed down.

If you destroy a petrification it gives you 5 points of permanent strength and intelligence, temporary increased damage and decreased cooldown on Lacerated.

She doesn't have Aspect currently.

Skills levels priority

2 > 4 > 1 > 3

To clean the minion wave we will improve our second skill Acid spray, whenever we can it will be useful to upgrade our ultimate skill Petrify in order to win many fights, thirdly we will upgrade our first skill Viper shot, this skill is very useful to win fights, finally we will upgrade skill number 3 Lacerate it is our escape skill and we will not always use it to do damage.

Role position

The correct way to play her is Adc but you can take her Mid and even Supp, because she has several CC skills.

Example of Adc builds

Attack speed:

Critical chance:

Example of Mid builds

Skill damage:

Attack speed with Int and Srt:

Full Int:

Example of Supp build

Tank with attack speed:

Good against / Bad against

She's generally good against most gods and goddesses but I'd consider her to be bad against characters who beat her at range.

She is a bad choice against: Agni, Ra and Poseidon.

She is a good choice against: Athenea, Nemesis and Nu Wa.

Combos and personal opinion

We will start by poking with our second skill (Acid spray) to weaken them, then if we know that it is not very risky for possible ganking we will use our third skill (Lacerate) on the enemy, if we hit them better so we can use our first skill (Viper shot) to melt the enemy. With the Ultimate (Petrify) it would be to use it first and do the combo that I said before.

She is currently very strong and very rewarding to play, you can kill a lot with her and easy to use.