Joined seven months ago
in Elite Dangerous
Loads of resources out there. Here's some that I have used/ continue to use.
EDSM (Elite Dangers Star Map....must have)
INARA (The "go to" of companion on systems, cmdrs, markets, bluepints etc etc etc)
EDSY (useful for ship building )
Coriolis (similar to EDSY)
ED Tools (collection of tools very useful in Elite Dangerous)
ED CoPilot (installable app that offers up lots of info to aid you in navigation , combat etc)
GameGlass (software to allow use of touch screen tablets. You can also design your own screens) NOTE : There is a small fee to use the ED plugins)
Touch Portal (similar to Game Glass, if you want more than one tablet you have to pay a small fee. But you have the ability to custom design your own touch screen interface)
Image above is of my setup from a few months ago. Two old SONY XPERIA tablets (as thats all I had) running Touch Portal with two full functional touch screen interfaces designed and created by myself heavily inspired by the LCARs interface from Star Trek TNG
Voice Attack (Voice Recognition software)
HCS Voice packs (used in conjunction with Voice Attack, pre configured for use with Elite Dangerous). Why not have William Shatner as your #1, Holly from Red Dwarf as your navigation computer or my personal fave Brian Blessed)
in Elite Dangerous
Get through the tutorials first....May seem like an obvious comment...but so many people will try and skip.
When you've don't necessarily have to rush out into The Bubble. Hang around in the starter system first (especially in open) build up some credit by doing simple missions and trading. Then you can get look at getting your first ship.
Scanning of planets is always a good way to start earning credit...with certain types of planet being high earners (HMC= Hight Metal Content, ELW=Earth Like worlds, WW=Water Worlds, AW=Ammonia worlds) Be mindful though, that you will earn more if you are the first to scan...and for that you will need to go way out of The Bubble (The Bubble being the densely populated groups of systems that you start off in)
There are some great companion sites out there (Inara is the main one, as has been mentioned elsewhere) But another one for plotting "road to riches" is
This site you can plot a route, and it will tell you roughly how much you can make in cartographic data.
For personally, I focused on exploration first...then trade/mining....with combat at the end
You should also look at engineering your ship....start with Felicity Farseer..with the correct mats you can add a huge amount of range to your FSD....which will make travelling over great distances a lot less laborious.
Finally....check out the content creators...there are loads out there ...and they don't bite. Firey Toad (who has posted elsewhere) is a good one to follow....very knowledgeable and very chilled.