


Joined seven months ago



Design a brand new ship in celebration of Elite's anniversary!

in Elite Dangerous


The Imperial Moray

We have ships for all sorts of specialist tasks - mining, combat, exploration and so on - but we don't have any ships designed to quickly and efficiently scoop up the clouds of cargo canisters in debris fields full of materials. The best we have are limpets, little programmable retrievers that take ages to pick up each canister individually, and transport them one by one back to your ship's cargo hold.

Wouldn't it be great if we could have a huge cargo net mounted at the front of the ship so we could fly at speed through all the debris, sucking everything into a super-sized collection chamber? Here is the answer: The Moray. Modelled partly on the idea of a space dredger, but small enough for one person to fly, and partly on the fearsome moray eel with all those rings of teeth inside its maw, and with a stylish Gutamaya-style body, the Moray makes scooping a moment's work.

Discreetly hidden in normal flight, all it takes is a butto

n press to open the giant scoop, which can clear a High Grade Emissions material cloud in less time than it takes to power up your Frame Shift Drive to move on to the next. Found a wrecked spaceship surrounded by lots of tasty cargo? Why not scoop up all the cargo and the ship using the Moray's patented Rend-O-Matic, which will reduce and recycle the wreckage into metal alloys to sell on at the next port. Profitable and kind to the environment at the same time!

When your ship has a jaw in a space dredger maw? That's a Moray!

(With thanks to Wotherspoon for the words)

My planning ideas are under the link


Suggest your own reward idea (we might even run it!)

in Elite Dangerous


Just About 100 words

I'm stealing this idea from the inimitable Cmdr Psykokow I believe, but "the Abraca-Drabble" was a really popular competition on the forums and on Hutton Orbital Radio for a good long while. It involves writing an Elite short story in 100 words. I don't know if it got better marks for being exactly 100 or if poetry was encouraged but some of the short stories were great. Some were atrocious! I think it might be fun.

I guess the criteria should be that it should be over 80? but under 100? and it should be based in Elite. There could be required themes - humour, horror, speculative future elite plotlines...

another one I just put up that bounced would be

Galactic Drawing

It's possible to feed your log files from Elite Dangerous into a 3rd party website such as



These websites have permission from Frontier to access the files and show the routes taken by commanders in their time in game. This has led lots of people to draw pictures using their ships on the galaxy: that EDSM link above (if it's viewable when not me) shows my personal map, and my somewhat wonky Babel fish.

Considerations would be - players teaming up to make the pictures and so allocating rewards fairly, peoples innate desire to put rude things on the galaxy, and the length of time to allow for the challenge to be completes - 3 months would be more sensible than a week.