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Joined seven months ago



Create an exploration or exobiology photoessay!

in Elite Dangerous


ExoBiology PhotoEssay

Intro: Here follows a collection of photographs of ExoBiology species, grouped by genus, from searching, scanning & sampling my way to Exobiology Elite V over the past three years :]

Osseus species grow a single thick stalk from which emerges a wide, broadly circular, pitted endoskeleton. This structure is designed to dramatically increase the surface area of the organism, facilitating chemical capture and chemosynthesis on its catalytically active surface.
[From In-Game Description ]


Fungoida live deep inside a planetary substrate. They share similar morphology to fungi but are not saprophytic, instead their mycelial body drives its metabolism through chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic processes. Some fungoida exhibit bioluminescent behaviours as a part of a metabolic process involved in the breakdown of accumulated toxins.
[From In-Game Description ]


Anemones: despite their name, these organic structures more closely resemble the shells of sea urchins. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, and are able to absorb energy from nearby stars.
[From In-Game Description ]


Fonticulua are photosynthetic colony organisms found exclusively on ice worlds, where they have embraced the surrounding frozen material as a form of protection. As the fonticulus develop they melt ice from around them, absorbing the liquid through tiny cellular pores and passing it to the colony's reproductive edge. Frond structures create a wide flat space that expose internal photosynthetic cells to as much light as possible.
[From In-Game Description ]


Electricae are found exclusively on extremely cold ice worlds in the vicinity of frozen lakes. The visible tips can be observed protruding from the ice, often near fissures where it is thinnest. The surface structure exists to provide a connection point to the atmosphere, which in turn creates a point of potential electrical difference. A by-product of this is the bioluminescent display that runs through the organism.
[From In-Game Description ]


Cactoida are photosynthetic organisms that have adapted to extreme conditions by reducing their surface area to volume ratio, thereby protecting more sensitive tissues from exposure. Deep, extensive root structures hold the organisms in place, and facilitate the extraction of trace minerals. Some cactoida species feature explosive seed distribution as a method of reproduction.
[From In-Game Description ]


Bacteria are true unicellular extremophiles capable of living in the full spectrum of temperatures, chemical soups and atmospheres. They form a kaleidoscopic range of patterns and colours based on their method of metabolism. They derive energy from photosynthetic, chemosynthetic or thermosynthetic processes. There are believed to be the precursors for many life forms, and are often found in conjunction with other species.
[From In-Game Description ]


Clypeus are extremophile organisms that have evolved to create hard shield structures, primarily to protect against stellar radiation. They also collect and condense traces of liquid material in the atmosphere, allowing the organisms to flourish in extremely arid environments. The shields are typically synthesized from surrounding inorganic material, which will frequently define their shape and colouration.
[From In-Game Description ]


Concha are highly specialised complex extremophiles that have developed protective and sturdy motile shell structures. These open and close based on the suitability of the current environmental conditions. The shells are an organic structure with an excreted inorganic insulated and sometimes reflective casing that help the organism maintain homeostasis. The internal organisms, which are remarkably tough in their own right, are only exposed for metabolic and reproductive purposes.
[From In-Game Description ]


Fumerola are extremophile organisms located in regions with active fumaroles. Their metabolism is driven exclusively through chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic mechanisms based on nearby volcanic activity. Proximity to volcanic heat allows them to survive in environments where the ambient temperature is naturally too cold for them. They frequently incorporate minerals from the fumaroles' ejecta, meaning they can appear inorganic at first glance and may sport exotic colours.
[From In-Game Description ]


Sinuous Tubers are a species of Fungal Life that have been found on the surfaces of airless planets and moons across the galaxy. They were originally nicknamed "Tube Worms" by explorers due to their resemblance to tube worms found on Earth.
[From In-Game Description ]



Tell us about your spookiest and scariest encounters!

in Elite Dangerous


First Encounter: Revenants

This was my first encounter with Revenants, the biomechanical drone-like sentinels which patrol Thargoid-occupied human settlements: having signed up for the then new “AX Restore” mission type, with very little experience of “AX” except being hyperdicted around Maia a few times before, I ventured forth, not knowing quite what to expect…

We’d seen some surveillance footage already: the search lights glowing eerily in the distance and beams cutting through the night… the strange screeching noises, sounding like something organic, yet unnervingly metallic… though no one had yet returned from an occupied settlement?


...they didn't stop coming! Whatever they were, there were endless waves of them - just eerie glowing green lights drifting about in the distant dark at first, they'd turn an angry red and became very aggressive if one got closer... crazy, screeching, dancing lights, chasing one around the settlement - with kilometre long energy beams that sliced through shields and seared even a reinforced Dominator suit... one could barely see the creatures themselves: you still didn't know what you were really engaging with at all!

Having survived a few skirmishes, destroyed several of the sentinels, but the overhead ships still spawning more, I hastily retreated to my SRV to rearm... and rethink my approach... I changed to a Maverick suit and sneaked back in to the settlement... hiding on a roof top, well out of sight I hoped, I launched my camera drone to try to get a better look at the beasts themselves...


They were patrolling almost everywhere, their search beams lighting up the deserted settlement streets with that ominous green glow... any contact with it would send them into that flaming red frenzy! How in Orion's Belt would I get to the power centre to complete the restore mission?!


...later on, carefully avoiding that ubiquitous dreaded green glow while the sentinels' attention appeared to be trained elsewhere, I sneaked into the power centre, cutting the door lock as quickly as I could, with beads of sweat running down my forehead...

[from 20:00]
