8 vs 8
3 Control Points in front of a base. Have to be standing in these control points for X duration to secure the point. The more players in the control point, the faster it goes. If both teams are in the control point, it increases or decreases based on the +/- of the majority of players (Order team has 5, chaos has 4, so Order is gaining)
Spawn locations are equally far away from the original control points.
After all 3 control points are secured. You're able to attack a "Gate" that has a lot of health, autos and abilities will damage it, but its very tanky. 2 Exits on each side of the gate will allow the defending team to come through and defend.
After the gate is destroyed there is one final control point in the center of the defending teams base. Controlling the base defense point wins the game. The defending team spawns in that base, making it harder to attack. Attackers spawn outside the base past the control points.
10 minutes counting down to start the game. 5 minutes added for controlling the first 3 points. 5 minutes added for destroying the gate. Sudden death at 10 seconds that will not start until there is no attacker in an objective.
These would be clan vs clan specific. Beating higher clans each week would move you up the clan ranks, earning you better rewards for participating clan members only.