I had just gotten a power source for a PC upgrade. I had put a new graphics card in and the old power wasnt cutting it. I was so excited to get playing again and when i took it apart and put it back together with the new power source in i was giddy. I hit the poower button amd the pc started to boot up..... nothing. S i turned it off and checked the cord. "All plugged in amd snug" so i wait a minute and try again.. over and over nothing popped up. I was getting so frustrated and irritated i was done. So a week goes by of me trying everything under the sun to get it working and my friend who is pretty tech savy offers to help. So i bring it to him, we talk for a few hours and mess with it a little. Nothing is working. Changing the cords making sure its plugged in right. Taking out ram sticks we think are the problem ect. Nothing. Then he grabs a flashdrive. Its a windows startup system. He looks at me and says wemight just have to do a full reset. I say ok. He plugs it in and it unstantly started working and to this daay ive yet to have a problem. He didnt even reset it. Just plugged it in. We both have zero clue on what happened.