Smite 2 is so much prettier than smite and the new items and reworked gods are great fun. I am loving joust and duel aswell as rank conquest after two hundred hours i would recommend this over smite 1 and league. The most enjoyable moba thats currently available. Ullr is a little over powered right now but not for long so if you enjoy playing ability damage adc this is the game for you. Hi rez is doing there best to get all the smite gods and modes into smite 2 and ballacing and patching bugs very quickly. I would reccomend buying the founders edition so you can get lots of currency in game for leveling and unlock the mastery passes for your favorite chatacters. Everything about Smite 2 is better than the first besides there not being very many cosmetics yet but they will come out soon enough. Very enjoyable experience so far everyone should play.