Joined seven months ago
in Elite Dangerous
Let's go straight to the point.
Best creator for both beginners and more experienced players:
CMDR Dituri - https://youtube.com/@dituriselite?si=xlPePi1tgf9iqVYH
Yes, there are many excellent creators out there, but Dituri is straight to the point and provides excellent results. The best part about CMDR Dituri's tutorials is that he focuses on making you actually have fun while playing the game instead of giving you the most boring and repetitive method to achieve your goals.
There's also CMDR Mechan (https://youtube.com/@astyrrean?si=4Htya0kbsPRr4qxQ ) who offers great resources for CMDRs who want to engage in AX combat.
Essential online resources for CMDRS:
Inara - inara.cz
The quintessential tool for CMDRs of all playstyles. It shows trade routes, best commodity prices, the nearest of whatever you're searching for, and much more. Yes, you could technically play the game without using Inara, but that very quickly shows itself to be virtually impossible unless you're willing to visit every single system in the Bubble/Colonia.
Elite Dangerous Wiki - https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Elite_Dangerous_Wiki
Essential for many types of information you won't find in game - at least not as straightforward. Example: engineers. If you want to know which engineer unlocks which other engineer, what requirements you have to meet to unlock them and what modifications they offer, then the wiki is the easiest and fastest way to learning this. It also shows information about powerplay, modules, ships and even lore.
EDSM - edsm.net
Not essential, but very nice to have if you're an explorer. It shows very important info about systems and celestial bodies, such as how much a planet is worth in Universal Cartographics and which resources it has, it shows the locations of Guardian ruins, complete information about systems, even who sells the permit to certain systems and planets.
These are the online resources I use the most, but there are many more out there as well. There's Canonn (canonn.science), which isn't essential per se but offers some really cool information about interesting stuff in the game, such as lore, anomalies, points of interest, actual science the players did in game, events, expeditions, etc.
There's the Fuel Rats (fuelrats.com) and the Hull Seals (hullseals.space) as well, who will rescue you out in the black in case you run out of fuel or if your ship's hull is critically low.
That's it for now. Sure, there are bigger lists out there, but in my 760 hours of gameplay these were the only resources I actually needed to use, at least for now.