Joined 6 months ago
in SMITE 2
To start with, I would be amiss if i didn't link my old Smite 1 Yemoja guide here - obviously the build is not relevant, but since none of her abilities changed much in Smite 2 the main text is still very relevant, and much more in depth than I can type out here.
Yemoja's kit is one of the best examples of "low skill floor, high skill ceiling" in the game, she can be played fairly effectively as just a one button spammer (with either her 1 or her 2), or if you put the time in to learn her niche tricks and mechanics she can be one of the highest skill gods in the game.
She's best played as a backline support, building primarily support auras, cooldown rate, and health/protections. Cooldown rate is important for her as it increases the rate that she regens her Omi. Items like Breastplate of Valor, Genji's Guard, and Gauntlet of Thebes / Prophetic Cloak are mainstays in Yemoja Builds.
You could attempt a more damaging build, either as a bruiser in solo lane, or even full damage in mid or maybe even jungle, but these are more "for fun" playstyles that you shouldn't expect to be particularly effective.
Your main focus on Yemoja during laning phase should be using your 1 for wave clear and poke on the enemies, while using your passive / auto attacks to keep your ADC healthy. Please do not use your 2 in lane, it's extremely not worth half your omi bar for a 30 heal. In teamfights, you should be using the 2 more as lategame the heal and shield are much larger - but don't spam it, spread them out to make best use of the shields. Use your ult to trap the enemy team within the walls, and use your 3 either to block off paths for the enemy or to pull your teammates out of danger.
Yemoja's 3 also has some more niche uses that you can experiment with, including interactions like pulling teammates out of Ares ults by placing it on him, or using it to push the enemy ADC out of range of hitting objectives during sieges. It's her hardest to use ability, but also the most rewarding when you get it right.
Recommended build (support): Selflessness, Gauntlet of Thebes, Breastplate of Valor, Genji's Guard, Talisman of Purification, Ruinous Ankh, Spirit Robe.
Recommended Leveling Order - First 5 Levels: 1 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 4, Maxing Order: 1 (to rank 3) > 2 > 1 (to rank 5) > 4 > 3