I was one of the last Evac ships to leave Sol.
I had just landed on the Cornwallis when the report came through: The Titan Had Arrived.
At the same time all the emergency channels out of Sol lit up like a Yule tree. Everyone was just screaming. No messages, no evac orders. Just screaming. And I would say it was the most terrifying thing I'd ever heard, but the scary thing was when all the channels went silent. That sudden quiet chilled me to the bone.
After which, the Cmdrs of the Pilots Federation headed to Sol Pissed off and loaded for bear.
It was absolutely amazing to see the all the cmdrs chewing up the Thargoid forces like they were made of tissue paper. System after system coming back under human control.
And now, the Titan is vulnerable and will most likely fall soon. Sol will be liberated.
But I can't help but think... The Thargoids have done already done what they came to do.
And what will be left of Earth? What about the Titan wreckage that seems to just destroy the other systems that we've killed titans in?
It seems like whether or not we win this war, the galaxy as we knew it is gone forever.
Donut Idaho, Signing out.