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Joined about one month ago

Artist, Designer, Creator, and Gamer | Former Electronic Arts Community Moderator on Battlefield Heroes under the alias "BoyOfTheEnders" | Created the game R.A.V.E with Surrealist Games | Music Machine @ EИDERS




Submit a new word for the glossary of Elite Dangerous!

in Elite Dangerous

100 rewards remaining

There are three I'd like to submit, as they instantly came to mind when I saw this, and I didn’t see them in the previous glossary submissions/posts. As someone mentioned in the last round of these, I'll "save some for the rest." ;)

Onionhead / Onion Head (noun): A fruit-bearing plant with a flower and seed head, first discovered in the HIP 55118 system, it has since been cultivated into various strains. The fruit has medicinal and hallucinogenic properties, making it both addictive and euphoric. It has since become a widely used and traded drug across the established systems. The narcotic is legal in Empire-controlled systems but illegal in Federation territory. Grown on Panem in the Kappa Fornacis system, it is embraced as a staple crop and rare trade commodity. The word is also colloquially used as a derogatory term to call someone "stupid".

• He dropped some Onionhead and took spacewalk without a suit.

• Those gankers in Minerva are such onionheads.


HAZ RES / HazRES (noun): The hazardous variant of a Resource Extraction Site (RES). These locations are generally found within asteroid belts and planetary rings. Pirates in these areas are often more skilled and have higher combat ranks. System Authorities may not be present at a Hazardous Resource Extraction Site, depending on the system's overall status. Skilled Commanders brave HazRES zones due to the higher frequency of wanted ships, which offer greater bounties.

• Brave and skilled Commanders love to hunt bounties in HazRES sites.

• I just spent an hour in a HazRES and made out like a bandit.


Witchspace / Witch Space (noun): A slang term for the mysterious dimension that ships travel through when making a hyperspace (faster than light) jump between star systems. Often associated with strange phenomena and anomalies, Witchspace is both awe-inspiring and unsettling to many pilots. Thargoids have been known to hyperdict Commanders mid-jump, adding to the eerie and dangerous nature of this space.

• My ship barely made it out of Witchspace before the Thargoids could finish their hyperdiction.

• There's something unsettling about Witchspace... Every jump feels like something is watching from the void.



Show us the actor you first had a crush on!

in Film & TV

40 rewards remaining

Honestly I don't really watch movies or TV or utilize streaming services, and I also kind of despise how people idolize and care about famous people who will never care about them. However when I was in 2nd grade a movie released that was not only one of my favorite movies for a very long time as a kid, but it featured a young actress who really blew me away. At the time I hadn't had similar feelings for the girls around me while growing up, so you could say this is the very first time in my life I had a "crush" on anyone at all.

This young actress was Christina Ricci and that movie was the 1995 release of Casper.

I later saw her older works like The Adam's Family and Mermaids and realized it was her, but younger. She is credited with being the soul reason that Wednesday Adams is a cultural icon. Speaking of being iconic, as a teenager and still to this day as an adult, my personal style is very alligned with goth or gothic culture, and I've since realized that this was a major contributing factor to why I adored Christina Ricci so much when I was growing up.

Again, I have never made famous people a figure in my life, but this actress absolutely had a number of very relatable factors about her that made her appeal to me when I was young.
At one point in time there was a school project to write a famous person, and I ended up writing a really simple letter going on about enjoying her portrayals and acting skills, I recall getting a signed photograph from her or her agency but it was misplaced many years ago while I was moving from home to home as a child.

So there, you got me to admit it. When I was young I had a huge crush on Christina Ricci.
Even as an adult I absolutely do not fault my adolescent taste in members of the opposite sex, in this reguard... I mean... how could you?


Tell us which game would make the best Elite Dangerous crossover!

in Elite Dangerous

100 rewards remaining

Elite: Dangerous X Cyberpunk 2077

When it comes to wanting two games to be one, one can understand a massive array of choices on a personal preference level but one crossover makes the most sense and will always stand out, to me. This isn't even so much my own "choice" as it is the most logical path.

Elite: Dangerous and Cyberpunk 2077 not only share the same DNA strands but their game universes could actually be in the same universe/galaxy. The first time I set foot into Elite: Dangerous after playing Cyberpunk 2077, it almost felt like I wasn't even in a different video game, especially after multiple updates came to Elite: Dangerous post 2020.

The two titles already share voice actors, concept artist, and most likey share 3D artists, Texutre art or artists, and more. Their similarities are very striking and it takes very little research leg work to find the actual threads that connect the two. The graphics and lighting and design of the two games are strikingly similar and equally beautiful, from the audible advertisments when walking in populated areas to the design of environments, models and more. The ambient sounds of the Karsuki Locust advertisments in Elite: Dangerous would blend seamlessly along site the audible advertisments of All Foods or EEZY BEEF in the R. Talsorian's Cyberpunk universe.

These games would absolutely make one of the greatest selling and most immersive video games of all time if combined into one title.

Similarities that Elite:Dangerous and Cyberpunk 2077 share:

If someone didn't know any better, they might easily mistake a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077 and Elite: Dangerous to just be the same game.
Although there are some of my own opinions here, Cyberpunk 2077 and Elite: Dangerous do already make one of the most undeniable power couples to ever exist through their shared DNA, let alone, the possibility that these two games could co-exist inside of one.

If you made it this far; Thank you for reading and I hope you have learned something new about these two fantastic games and the many stands that weave them together in reality.


Share your proudest creation!

in Content Creators


As someone who has felt an inner burning desire to create my whole life, I’ve spent a vast amount of time on this earth making things whether they be physical, digital, visual, or audible. I’ve created almost anything an individual creator could make. The list of things I’m proud of is large, so choosing just one creation feels like singling out one of my children as the "favorite." But, for the sake of this awesome community, I’ll save you all from the lengthy lists and simply highlight one project.

Since 2011, I’ve released four full-length albums, countless singles and remixes, and performed over 200 live shows under my project and moniker ENDERS. I’ve spent countless hours creating art and music for the ENDERS project, and along the way, a few notable things have happened.

The ENDERS project is, without question, my proudest creation. My music is a labor of love, and though I haven’t seen significant commercial success, I’ve maintained a stubborn, unwavering commitment to my art.

In 2017, I created a remix of the Gorillaz song Ascension, which has since gained over 400,000 plays. In 2020, I performed live on-tour with Billboard-charting artist GosT just days before COVID shut down the world. But what I’m most proud of is the consistency and passion I’ve brought to this project over the years.

Without hesitation, here are the verified posts. If you are intrigued, I implore you to dive deep and, as always, Enjoy! Untill next time...



I would like to point out that I do have a tottaly separate set of social media profiles for the project, but those aren't ones I've linked here, in order to keep all of my other exploits separate from the project I use a second set of accounts.


Tell us a dumb way to die in Elite Dangerous!

in Elite Dangerous

100 rewards remaining

Recently I started using EDDiscovery and had watched a video where someone was talking about the FreeVoiceControl plugin/add-on so I decided to give it a try. After a couple long play sessions I had a very very customized FreeVoiceControl setup with most everything I could want to say bound to controls and macros.

So there I was about 1,000Ly from the edge of the Bubble and things seemed to be going great. I'd been using a Vulture with absolutely no shields or hardpoints for near-bubble exploration and exobio, mainly because I didn't want to be excessive with my personal fleet and would rather highly specialize one craft before even thinking about buying another. I do this with RPG characters and progression of them in almost every game I play, I only want to focus my time on one. The Vulture's jump range with non-engineered parts is plenty for me and my needs anyways. I hadn't caused myself much more than a couple percentages in hull damage after exploring for a couple days, so I was quite comfortable with the ship and build being vulnerable.

Some time around the third day of using the FreeVoiceControl Add-on I went in for a landing on a fairly normal looking HMC body. The Vulture is usually extremely easy to stop and slow for landing near the surface on most bodies anyways so I wasn't worried, I just wanted to get down there and scan the stuff. When I came out of my glide headed towards my target LZ I got a bit impatient with the remaining distance and began giving my verbal "Boost" command. I wasn't considering any risk because the Vulture and its current thrusters almost never struggle with anything. Shortly after I issued another boost command I saw it, a massive hill I didn't see on entry. This hill was lined up with my approach in a way where I almost couldn't tell there was a steep slope just beyond my LZ.

I realized I was coming in too hot and began to pull up while issuing all stop throttle and break commands verbally. I began slapping "X" and holding they "D" key to dethrottle as much as possible while also utilizing vertical thrust via the "R" key and issuing my verbal "Stop" command. Much to my dismay the distance remaining and the gravitational pull near the surface made both my stopping efforts and my effort to change trajectory upwards futile.

By issuing voice commands as opposed to manually controlling the ship and this coupled with the high gravity on the planet I was left with no feelers for what was about to happen... and so I watched in horror as my ship bounced off the hill in front of me like a stone skipping on water and slammed into the side of the next slope, exploding. I only later realized that I was in a situation where I was not controlling the ship enough to avoid a crash.

Immediately after the rebuy I set back out, charting a course along the exact systems I had already just scanne and explored. It was a huge mistake and error on my part, and I paid the price while learning a couple valuble lessons in the process.


Recommend a star system for our Elite Dangerous bucket list!

in Elite Dangerous


There aren't many places I've been to in the Elite: Dangerous Milky Way that I would consider a "must" for everyone, but this one stands out, even early on in my journies. Learning about what Lagrange Points are since playing Elite: Dangerous has been informative and cool!

HIP 90483
This is the first system I found a Notable Stellar Phenomena (this one's a Lagrange cloud). This system has an array of cool sites/sights, but the focus here is the Proto-Lagrange cloud.
This area is not too far from Sol / The Bubble and is fairly easy to make a trip to if you are interested in seeing what a Proto-Lagrange Point has to offer. If you've never seen one you'll get two codex discoveries within it, not worth much CR but nessicairy if you plan to fill out your "Discovery Bingo card" and see all discoverable things in the Galaxy... oh and the Mollusc's are cool too.

The fist ever discovered/reported location of these proto-lagrange clouds is aslo quite close to Sol, if you prefer to head to it; WREDGUIA SX-L D7-92

I've created a short video to showcase just some of the sights and sounds for everyone's viewing pleasure.
