The Kingkiller Chronicles - Patrick Rothfuss really does need to work more on this series. I know that in the initial book he laid out a plan which was ambitious and perhaps unattainable, but there is nothing holding him to the initial commitment of making the whole story fit into 3 tellings. It has been 13 years since the previous book was released, and 17 years since the one before. It would be criminal to leave the series unfinished. I honestly think that he should be imprisoned with a typewriter and not released until the book is. The story, and the novellas set in the same world, are amazing. I know that expectations are high, but I would rather him meet any level of expectation rather than simply to abandon the series. This is truly one of the most frustrating things I've come across in literature. The George RR Martin effect is not a good one. Please in the name of all things holy (and unholy if that is what it takes) publish the next volume, and the next and the next and the next if that is what it takes. I do not care if a trilogy was promised, Douglas Adams published a trilogy, and now that trilogy is up to 6 volumes (and 1 of those was published 8 years after his death by a different author, not that I'm suggesting Rothfuss do the same) so clearly trilogy can be a flexible term. Please, I beg you, publish something, anything.