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Joined seven months ago



Tell us which game would make the best Elite Dangerous crossover!

in Elite Dangerous

100 rewards remaining

Halo. We're not far off already.

  • Frontline does ODST actions with the dropping of CMDRs into conflict zones. Tthe only thing missing from it would be fellow CMDRs being able to drop off wingmates.

  • Humanity is at war with aliens in both realms, just Halo has ground units who tower over Humans and mow Humans down with ease.

  • Humans have FTL ability. But Elite has faster FTL than Halo, no need for Cryo pods.

  • Universes are vast and detailed. Whether it be Guardians or Ancients, Flood or Thargoids, or the Covenant, there are political alliances and military actions.

  • Player action intelligence gathering. We got data upload/download for Powerplay.

To integrate characteristics from Halo into Elite for a crossover, we'd need a few adjustments (hopefully minor in the code).

  • Matchmaking that is not strictly CQC. We would need on-foot matchmaking that has weapons/suits/modifications that is both in matchmaking as well as regular galaxy. Player made matchmaking types would need to be implemented.

  • Ground combat settlements. These would need to be Powerplay settlements (so not to mess up BGS/PMF actions), where combat is encouraged, with larger, more intricate buildings. But where Halo has Elite in this, is Halo buildings do adhere to most building codes and emergency requirements (external exits, distance to exits, air flows, accessibility, etc).

  • Failed actions have more severe consequences. If a player does not kill the settlement alarms, the settlement goes into lockdown. Doors are closed (as if settlement is offline), and extra security comes out of the woodwork as technicians and high security clearance individuals become hidden or run to a sheltered location.

  • On-foot alien encounters. Not buzzing insects right above the ground surface. Let us try to run over or shoot aliens with the SRV. Yes, the Covenant consists of species regularly larger and taller than Humans (grunts and Jackals are about the size of humans), but the rest are significantly taller.

  • Alien weapons. Currently, all on-foot weapons are human based or guardian inspired (Plasma weaponry). No hand-held held Guardian or Thargoid weaponry. There are no thargoid weapons for ships.

In terms of story/universe, some parts could migrate such as:

  • Fortified large outposts. In Halo these would be ONI or the UNSC in the Core Worlds ("Bubble"). ONI is described as large, dark, and intimidating. There are no such structures or organizations in Elite that give players this sense of dread and being watched like Halo.

I'm not saying incorporate Halo's Plasma Sword in the game (though that'd definitely be a load of fun), but there are places where inspiration can come from the Halo universe.


Tell us why you play Elite Dangerous!

in Elite Dangerous

90 rewards remaining

Started playing before I knew what Elite Dangerous was - my late husband tried to cheer me up after some bad news (I was denied Naval re-entry). So on his Playstation, he had me try to what later I knew to be docking - try to fly a ship through the mail slot, find the landing pad, and play the game of darts to land on the pad. All before the timer runs out. I did it, with about 5 min to spare. It worked, and the spark was ignited.

Started watching CrispyTaytorTot and CaptainFlint on Twitch, trying to understand this game Leo called his "space trucking game." So, he bought it for me, and we started playing together. I hated hauling, but I love the graphics and depth of the game. I joined Aisling's Angels BGS/PMF, and started to learn what BGS was, and how Influence worked.

Later came the "Lava Vent Incident" which really solidified the game, and the community as a whole. Here I was on the way to Colonia from the Bubble in an unengineered Imperial Courier, with a max jump range of 15.02Ly. I'm not going anywhere, fast. Odyssey just got a new lighting update, so I went down to get a few pictures of lava vents. They're photographic.

I landed too close.

SRV was in the ship.

Ship went boom.

I'm stranded. In an Artemis suit, about 10,000Ly from help.

Live on Twitch.

The call went out - "CMDR stranded between Colonia and the Bubble". CMDR Yerisan rolled out of bed, and was the first to get to me. (His Girlfriend was not happy at the time). Yeri got me back to the bubble, where all data could be turned in, and I could rebuy my ship.

Then he said "hop in, I'm going to show you something." It was a Thargoid. He took me to show me a THARGOID. I did not know this was even in the game, nonetheless why he was shooting it.

Since then, the community around the game has been a big factor. Ask, and you'll get help. If you get help and do the stupid anyway, you are not spared the consequences. The community holds everyone accountable, just as in game. The learning cliffs are steep and tall. The detail in the game is vast. Yes, there are things that could help improve the game such as instance stability, graphic smoothness, and menu bug fixes, but the depth and the choice of activities is what keeps me coming back. Want to play on your own? Go solo. Want friends? Play PG. Want an open world? Play Open.

Sometimes I just hop in and go off either exploring or mining (normally exploration) and it's like fishing. I can go and turn my mind off, still cataloguing and getting information through EDMC and other plug-ins to complete the player database.