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Explain how Duel mode works and give us some tips for winning in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


Duel mode

Duel in SMITE 2 is The mode where You test your skills in a 1v1 player Match, this leans The game mode to a more competitive and direct style of playing rather than a casual, jump in and out kind of match. We need to think that Even that there's no league of this mode or anything in smite 2 (as it is in conquest) in smite 1 it was a only competitive/league Game mode, so when You jump in duel you're most likely to find experience players if you're new in duel, don't be afraid to stay with your main for a while until You learn to play most gods or at least know how they work, which brings me to the first tip.

Know your gods and items

One of The most important things in duel is knowing how each god works as The same as items, The builds in duel work different in this mode than in conquest, can be similar but most likely not The same, You have to know how to build and counter what your enemy is building and doing, after all, you're gonna be alone in this one. One build item can changes The course of battle so, know how, when and what to invest when it comes to your build. Also with all The new additions in smite 2 in gods passives and abilities, knowing strengths and weaknesses of each god comes in handy. You have 2 bans when in lobby, and besides that everything is available so, My advice is, know your gods as Best as You can.

Take advantage of buffs

If You pick a god with a strong early Game You can take advantage with securing 2 to 3 buffs and without losing Minion waves, buffs in smite 2 are very important, the fact that you're able to pick 3 at The same time is huge, The new map makes it more accesible, since everything is really close together, so if You are able to secure as much buffs as You can, that can secure You The advantage flor most of the Game.

The most important ones in duel tent to be red and purple, since they give You fighting advantage when trading off. Also, don't forget about the Lost knight, that Big mob at The far right of The map, he gives You a penetration buff and deactivates objectives, as well as making The Titan hit lets and be more squishy.

Timing is everything

Try to have in mind when is a good time to do something, as in conquest, there are Moments for everything, as in doing objectives, buffs, fighting. Again all of this is different in duel, a kill in the right moment is more important than a random kill, since that can literaly make You lose or win The game, for example, You can combine The moment where You choose to do buffs, to fight, and at The same time as The minion Wave is arriving or when The enemy has no Minions (depending The situation) so You have The advantage and if You make The kill You Then might go and do the Lost knight or straight to tower or phoenix, taking The advantage of how many seconds to respawn does The enemy have, good timing for certain moments can win You a Match.

Don't be afraid of taking your time.

This goes to anything really, from learning how to play a new god, to making good builds and mostly to play wether safe or agressive in a Match, as being a moba, smite 2's primary Game mode is conquest, so, most of The things lean towards how that mode plays, meaning, certain objects or gods can be somekind broken in duel, not by a large amount that You can literaly do nothing against certain god, but enough to know that if You don't play safe or Smart You most likely Will lose The game.

So if You need to play safe or play until late Game that's fine, some of us like to play tanks or weird builds with not that commonly strong duel gods or sometimes a god has a really strong early and You need to be careful, so if You are not an experience player yet, don't be afraid or in the wrong to play safe or slow. Have to know The límites of your pick and skills. Just don't stay always under tower or something like that, that's annoying for everyone.

Have fun

I know we all like to win, but wether You are really good or a newcomer to duel, You should try to keep yourself together when it comes to winning or losing in duel. I said that there's more competition in this mode, but that does not mean that You should aim for that, there's a reason why You can pick any god and Made any build and most importantly, is your Match, no teammates depend on You checking a role for The game to go right, it's You and your skills and creativity against someone elses. Do any build You want, play any god You want; as any videogame ever: it's made for fun, so have it. Also, duel is a casual mode, You lose nothing if You don't win The game, take advantage of that... For now at least. 🤓


Name three books or comics you'd recommend to anyone and tell us why

in Books & Comics


My 3 recommendations of books and comics for horror and fantasy genre:

The hobbit: I've been a fan of fantasy most part of My life and surprisinly i didn't hace the oportunity of reading Tolkien's work. The hobbit trully is The ideal book to get into Lord of The rings world and Even in the fantasy genre, The way he describes things, characters, situations, etc., is marvelous. World building, charismatic characters, chilling Moments, suspense, this book has it all in a beautiful short story, anyone who hasn't read it, trust all of Tolkien fans, is worth it.

The shadow over innsmouth (Gou Tanabe's manga adaptation): If anyone here is a fan of horror like me, you'll enjoy this one. There has been several adaptations of H.P. Lovecrafts work to comic book format, but The ones that hace stout out to me the most in recent times are The Gou Tanabe's adaptations, he has done a wide variaty of Lovecraft's stories, So Even of you're not as interesting on this one, You can check out The other ones. This particular story i believe, that for most Lovecraft reader's is one of The most iconnic ones, The mistery, horror, and thrilling Moments are very well crafted, Gou Tanabe's illustrations bring to life all The nigthmarish horrors that Lovecraft created, they merges really well and by The last chapters you'll feel The terror of The protagonist as if You were him. Give it a try.

Solo leveling: Lastly i want to recommend something more on The light SIDE, for those that enjoy anime and that style of art, wrtting, and action. This is The story os Sung jing woo, he lives in a world where dungeons monsters and Powers are a thing, and only some people in the world are blessed with getting Powers to fight this beasts, they are called hunters, Sung is The weakest of they all but after a traumatic experience he gets a videogame like Window, asking if he wants a chance to getting stronger, and The rest is history. Is not a changing life reading, nor a complex one, is just a really fun story with amazing artwork, lots of action and everything a power fantasy has to offer, and that touch of videogame-like format makes it more enjoyable.

Hope You like My recommendations. 🙌


Review SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


SMITE 2 Review from a old SMITE 1 player So far:

The good things:

  1. SMITE 2 is a great improvement over SMITE 1 in a bunch of things, the obvius being the jump to UE5, since the first days of closed beta the Game has come to look better and better, The skins added look really cool and the maps are beautiful, i think hi rez has always had a great art team and direction and in SMITE 2 they are gonna explode all of that creativity.

  1. Gameplay wise, it feels great, they have improve this area todo since the very first days, to The point that i believe is good enough to appeal to all new and old players and deliver a good Game experience, takin account that, it's still a beta.

  2. All The changes to The new gods i think are fun and chance The way You play gods in very fun ways, to know that they are working in every aspect of every god is great and i think that most of The community has find this tons of fun too.

  3. The changes within The items i believe go hand to hand with The changes in combat, they added more fun because of versatility within The builds that You make with each god.

  4. The conquest map is great, they had been making changes that i think are mostly if not all, good to improve the experience in all roles, there is always something to do in each part of The maps for all The party, and the same thing happens in The just/duel map.

    The Bad things:

    1. As any online Game, and mostly any online Game in development i believe that there is some balance problems within certain items or certain passives, so this can heavily affects the way a match developts in certain modes. It's not as big of a trouble but from time to time it shows when something is broken.

    2. As any Game in beta there is Bugs, which is expected, but there are some Bugs that affect certain abilities and it can be very annoying that you get your character to die just because certain abilities didn't work properly, for example, a jump or a dash that do a weird whip-like motion or i'm worst cases don Even do the motion, and You just get stuck, and so, Your character dies or something else.

    3. Since the Open beta i think there has been more connection problems too, to The point that can get annoying, again, is not as Bad but there are days where The game starts to disconnect or lag allá of The sudden and i'm pretty sure My connection is fine, this probably will get better with each patch but i think is worth the mention.

In all regards, i think the game is great, a much needed improvement for SMITE as a whole, bringing new players and hopefully getting The recognition it deserves in the moba genre. As for The Bad things they are mostly things that Will improve on time, nothing that makes You hate the game or anything, just things that You know that are expected for a beta.

SMITE 2 it's fun, looks great, it's 3rd person and it has mitology characters in it, all good things that are worth the experience.