Don't even think about streaming until you have a community ready for live content
I don't mean 100's of people waiting for your live, do you have a discord with friends? part of a discord about the games you play?
make sure everyone knows you plan on starting streaming and you will be surprised how many people will turn up for your first stream to support you
Focus on discoverable content
I have had more viewers find my twitch channel through tiktok and youtube than just streaming on twitch, the sad truth is twitch is not a discoverable platform, look at making content for tiktok, youtube, reddit etc
Plan your streams around recorded content
Make your streams have a purpose, use your time wisely and record youtube videos while you stream.
some of my best performing youtube videos (10k views+) have come from a question a chatter has asked on stream, instead of just answering them, hit record while your streaming, explain the question they asked and go as in depth as you can answering them, especially if they are asking about something in the game you are playing, the chances are if one person is asking you a question in chat, 100 people are searching youtube for an answer, and if you can answer that question and show your knowledge of the game, people will be more interested in seeing you live
Multistream as much as possible
Why limit yourself to just one platform, the aitum vertical and streamelements plugins for OBS make it super easy to stream to multiple platforms at the same time, I stream to twitch, youtube, youtube vertical and tiktok at the same time, and using the streamelements multichat makes it super easy to keep an eye on everything
so thats a few general tips, I'm always up for talking about all aspects of content creation, so if you have any questions or want to discuss things hit me up