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Kshal Aideron



Joined over one year ago



Share your EVE highlight/s of the year!

in EVE Online


Honestly, after such a great 2023, I didn't think 2024 could top it. But, Eve and its community always has a way to up the ante.

Personal Highlights

I was a presenter at Eve Amsterdam, talking about how to empower communities. From this presentation, there have been a lot of players who've reached out for advice for their own communities or collaboration with Eve Rookies.

Even though I didn't make it into CSM19 myself, I managed to use my platform to
interview 27 of my fellow candidates during the campaign period. Several of the candidates have stuck around to get involved with the community which is amazing.

From those interviews, Voices of New Eden has been born. The concept is interviewing players no matter how big or small they feel their role is in our universe. Through VONE, we find out who players are, why they started playing Eve, what they do and a pain point among other things.

And of course, getting to serve on CSM18. While I don't play in SOV null, I think I was still effective as CSM. Especially when it came to helping a timely problem that occurred within the incursion community the first half of 2024.

Eve Rookies Highlights

  • Started paying FCs for their time running fleets. Have paid out over 70 billion isk in 2024.

  • Hit 3,000 members on the Eve Rookies Discord.

  • Created 2 player corps (Eve Rookies Industry & Eve Rookies Academy) as well as the alliance Eve Rookies United.

  • Took over a headquarter incursion community that was shutting down after claiming we'd never run HQ fleets. Since we took over in May we're putting out about 9-12 HQ fleets a month.

  • The industry wing built a structure entirely themselves which we put down in November.

  • Hit the 100 player mark on the Eve Rookies leadership team (FCs, ambassadors, advisors, etc).

  • Only banned 3 people from the community in total in 2024.

And, there's already some BIG things brewing for 2025.


Tell the story of your most painful in-game loss!

in EVE Online


3 years ago I started a Youtube series called "Solo Hunter." The idea was to journal my solo hunting as I tried to work out the pvp shakes (I get them bad when doing solo pvp, even to this day).

I had a pretty good run hunting down ventures and explore frigates in my Astero. Until the day my luck ran out.

Now, if you watch my videos, one of the things I almost always had an issue with was remembering to put my safety on yellow in low sec. As an incursion FC, safety is always green in fleet and of course either flying in Null or WH space who cares what my safety is set on.

The day I finally lost my Astero with many kill marks I found a Heron. It's always in the back of my mind that whatever I'm grabbing is bait. But, it might not be. Well, it was. And my safety was set to green so I wasn't able to actually lock it up and nab it.

Meanwhile the Heron's buddies came, locked me up and kill me. It wasn't the value of the Astero that made it painful. It was the fact I wasn't able to kill the Heron before they killed me. It should have popped like popcorn.

Now ask me how I lost my Tengu to a Caracal Navy Issue...


'Sov?' 'Multiboxing?!' - Add to the informal glossary of EVE!

in EVE Online


Staging - (noun or verb) is either the location that a fleet meets at for a fleet, or the act of flying to a location where the fleet is meeting at.

Tags - (noun) the targets, in order, that the fleet should be shooting.

JFC - (noun) a junior fleet commander. The JFC is generally training for a type of fleet so they can take them out on their own.

Backseat - (noun) a FC or trainer who helps train a JFC and make sure that community or corp policy is followed and individuals on the fleet are being taken care of under the JFC.

Jam - (noun or verb) jam can refer to ECM (electronic countermeasures) modules or the act of applying ECM to targets.

Blops - (noun) black ops battleships

GC - (verb) used in incursions, it means "good contest".

Contest - (verb) to contest a site means to try to win the reward. Most often used when competing for the payout in an incursion site, it can also happen in event sites in high sec.

Dropper - (noun) a player who volunteers to drop 255 pieces of lyavite in a can for a certain Vanguard Incursion site.

Logi - (noun) the pilots who fly a logistics ship and repairs damage to other ships in a fleet.

Skill Injector - (noun) item used to inject skill points into a character. Can be bought on the market from other players and has diminishing returns based on how many skill points a character already has.

LSI - (noun) large skill injector.

SSI - (noun) small skill injector.

Skill Extractor - (noun) item used to extract skill points from an Omega character with over 5 million skill points.

Accelerator - (noun) consumable that allows the character to train skills faster. Accelerators come in different strengths and lengths. It's advised to have biology V.


David vs Goliath! Share your best against-all-odds battle story!

in EVE Online


Just so that we're clear, I'm the worst strategist in the world. I'm the type of person who thinks they have a grand plan and end up pigeon holing themselves into a corner. Like at the CSM summit where I got CCP Convict to get the Eve boardgame out and coach myself, Satan, Storm and Oz. I was sure that battle would lead the Caldari to glory but instead I just managed to get Satan and Oz to team up on me.

But that isn't the story we're here for. This story is about the time I lead my Dessies and Down newbro roam, that's held together with duct tape and a prayer, to get a Mackanaw AND Orca right next to Horde staging. And got away with it.

The date was November 22, 2023. It was a Wednesday and time to take out the FUNny Newbros in a NPSI (not purple shoot it) kitchen sink Dessies and Down fleet. The fleet was around 16 or 17 pilots with two pilots who were fairly new to hunting. It's worth noting that in the pvp fleets I FC, anyone can try any role (including FC).

We yeeted out to null and landed in Malpais and decided to hunt into Perrigen. This normally isn't the best fleet to take around Horde staging. It's not as agile and quick as the raptors and I usually get us welped when I try what other NPSI FCs do. But, for some reason we ended up in TDP-T3 which is right next to MJ, the staging system.

Scout, trying to speak calmly, lets us know he's caught two Mackanaws and a Porpoise. We get into TDP and take care of the Porpoise and one Mack. While we start working on the second, another scout tells us he caught an Orca.

Local is starting to come up and a Caracle as well as a few other small things land. We let the Mack go and fly to the Orca. I told the fleet either we'd be successful or we'd go out in a blaze of glory. Well, while local was climbing and Horde was putting a proper response fleet together my ragtag band of misfits poured every ounce of fire power onto that Orca and took it out right as the response fleet was landing.

This was one of the very few times I've ever been able to do something sneaky and strategic and have the kills (and a video) to prove it happened.

I may have accidentally killed one or two newbros to get the Orca explosion. That may have been a bit of an Icarus moment.


Shippy McShipface? Tell us how you decide on ship names for $4

in EVE Online


Unless I'm forced into a naming convention by the FC, my ship names come from song titles.

I think the one that got some laughs and comments was when I played scout/skirmish and named my pink Malediction Candy Coated Suicide after a Nightclub song.

I found the other EBM/Industrial music lover out in Null with Maggots at the Party by Combichrist. And last year I found all of the Germans (who care about Eurovision) with Blood and Glitter by Lord of the Lost.

I just find it really fun when people in fleet, or in local recognize the songs!


EVE offline! Tell us how you add to your EVE experience when you're not playing for $2

in EVE Online


Before Eve Rookies, I had little appreciation about how much time running a community like this happens outside of the game itself.

When I'm not in game helping one of my 44 FCs (and growing), I'm generally making some sort of page for their fleets on EveRookies.com or adding new doctrines so we can point players to the fleet information.

Whenever something comes up that's worth putting on the website, I'm either making an article or a tutorial video to help the next player out.

Then of course I spend time across the socials pitching Eve Rookies to new players that are posting and looking for something to do. You don't want to know how many Discords I belong to. I feel like having a presence is starting to become a full Eve Offline job in itself.

I'm one of those people that really loves statistics. Whenever someone asks how many fleets we really pull off a month, or how many people really come along, I can tell them. Also, on Jan 1st of this year Eve Rookies started paying its FCs for fleets. So I'm usually dealing with my payroll spreadsheet.

Towards the end of last year we started to become a platform so that other groups who don't have a presence, voice or the know how to get where other known groups are, a presence. We're becoming a platform that allows other groups doing public fleets to connect with the players. So this takes hours of diplo and setting up out of game.

I've got to say, I never imagined I'd be playing a game where I'm sitting in a year end budget meeting (love my industry wing LOL). Eve really is a lifestyle.