The American Dream - Green Day
The Death Of Slim Shady - Eminem
Leo Metal Vol 64 - Leo Morichinolli
Anecdotes vol 1 - Yunalesca
Inevitable Incredible - Stereophonics
These are all good album in my opinion which i have really enjoyed listening to again and again. Looking forward to whatever new music is out this year as well. I love alot of different genres. Metal, EDM, country
Metal is usually what i have on for most of the day whilst i potter about.
Im a little picky tbh with edm i like some of the older EDM stuff kinda like trance but a bit more lively if that makes sense
Green day have always been a MASSIVE favourite of mine when i was growing up and they will always be one of my favourite bands
The Death Of Slim Shady was a great album when it dropped everyone was talking about it. I really like the wayEminem talks about things with the lyrics he used. Absolute Genius Rappr
Leos albums are just all round great turning modern pop songs into something a bit more what id listen to as well
Yunalescas new album what pretty good this year. They are a new band to me i only started listening to them in 2022
Sterophonics again massive love for them and all their albums always been a fan of theirs since day one