Way back in 1984, Twisted Sister were touring the UK, whilst I was still at secondary school.
One of my fellow students (I think we were in French lessons together) found out about the gig, canvassed a load of us and subsequently got a minibus hired and tickets bought.
When we got to the venue (Ipswich Gaumont Threatre), our seats were all covered by sound mixing desk stuff - we were given the option of either taking a box office set of seats, or standing at the front.
being naive, we chose the box seats and felt e'd made the right choice, until the gig started (support was tygers of pan tang) and everyone just moved to the front :D
Did get a grandstand view of the SMF song being sung at the one person who wasn't standing up...until he raised his crutches showing he'd got a broken leg.
Still on of my top 10 gigs of all time as it was the first one I'd ever been to.