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CMDR Henckes

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Joined seven months ago

I interstellar explorer!


Teach us how to play Thor in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


Don't be mistaken by his armour, he isn't a tank god he is suitable for jungle , even possible to use him in solo lane but he isn't a good choice for this in my opinion.

As I said, Thor is a good choise for Jungle lane and its building will work with the auto one or a similar, itens with STR buffs to give bonus to their skill, and I will talk about how his skill are very good, easy to use and can make a diference in a suprise attack. The other aspect of the build I recommend are some protection, magical and physical, and you can adapt depending of the other gods, if you are facing some INT focused god a magical protection will be obviously more useful.

Now the skill, the first two actives differently from your basic attack has great range. The first, Mjolnir's Attunement will be that differential of the suprisse attack, at first it will be very useful against small enemies in the begging of the match, so it will make it easy to start the mach and keep you life high avoiding the close damage in the lane. But one you use this you will throw your hammer and if you click again you will teleport to the location of the hammer, and for the jungle it will only help to finish enemy but in PvP combat it will help you to gank your enemies or flee away in almost death scenarios.

The Tectonic Rift it is also another range attack just this time causing damage in a big area and for some time and creating a small wall that will block enemy movement.

The third one Berserker Barrage is a close and area attack that you spin your hammer and cause a great damage, what make it useful to jungle since you can hit a lot of week creatures with this attack even kill all of them at once. It will be useful to use once you arrive at your enemies with the Mjolnir and deal really fast a great amount of damage.

His Ultra is a hell of attack in a good way, it makes you vulnerable at the first seconds, but once used correctly you hit the ground so hard that can kill a bunch of enemies gods, but take care when using it with enemies nearby, you be on the ground and everybody will be able to attack you.

And for the final part I choose to talk about his passive Warrior's Madness that will increase your strength when you are coles to up 3 enemies and all your skill will be scaled up and a lot what make the perfect god to gank your enemies specially in team fights, you be the turn key in some situations!