Scarval: An Narwhal Pokémon
Scarval is a Pokémon inspired by the narwhal, a "whale" with a horn that lives in the Arctic and is also called the unicorn of the sea because of this characteristic. The name Scarval is a combination of "scarf" and "narwhal."
About the Pokémon
Scarval is an Ice and Water-type Pokémon that lives in frozen regions. However, despite being an Ice-type Pokémon, it feels very cold and wears a scarf to keep warm. This is not the best strategy, though, as when it enters icy waters, its scarf gets wet, making it feel even colder.
Its skin is the same color as Lapras's and is covered with spots of a lighter blue. Its horn is white, long, and pointed. Its scarf is a bright red, which turns burgundy when it gets wet in the water.
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