Greetings pilots, this is the list I came up with.
Level S.
Fer-de-Lance and Python Mk.2.
These ships have the best characteristics and enough weapon nests, internal and external modules to make good pvp builds.
Level A
Krait Mk.2 and Anaconda.
The Krait Mk.2 has a lack of hull strength and energy, while the Anaconda has low maneuverability and low angle of view due to the size and location of the cockpit, as well as a high price for modules.
Level B
Python and Cobra MkIII.
These ships have good maneuverability and speed, but lack firepower and shield strength reserves, but the price of the assemblies is not bitey unlike their counterparts above.
Level C
Sidewinder and Vulture
These ships are pretty mediocre in pvp, if your opponent has a ship from the list above, then you are out of luck, but as a fight with newbies they are just right. We can also add that they have a low cost, so everyone can buy them.
Level D
Beluga Liner, Type-7 Transporter, Type-9 Heavy.
These ships are not suitable for pvp because they don't have the right characteristics or (and) they don't have enough weapon slots.