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Share your go-to loadout when fighting Terminids in Helldivers 2 for $3!

in Video Games


Here is my usual loadout with terminids. It varies slightly sometimes but for the most part, this is it.

  • Primary: LAS-16 Sickle. I find that if I time the cooldowns right, I potentially will never run out of ammo since it's energy based and not round based. Yes I lose out on medium+ armor penetration, but for dealing with a swarming group of scavengers or pouncers it's great.

  • Secondary: GP-31 Grenade Pistol. I keep this on hand for closing bug holes and for the occasional bile or nursing spewer that won't go down. As long as I have enough distance to not blow myself up, it works beautifully.

  • Grenade: G-23 Stun. I keep this on hand if I see chargers or just large groups that I want to hold in place for a bit. This is crucial to allow myself some breathing room to stim or reload, or to simply call in an eagle while they're stun-locked. It can't close bug holes, but that's why I take the Grenade Pistol.

  • Armor: CE-07 Demolition Specialist. The extra speed here is a lifesaver at times. Whenever I forget to switch off my medium armor from automaton loadouts I definitely notice! The recoil reduction is nice to stay on target but the increased grenade capacity is what shines for me. Having those extra 2 stuns can mean the world when all I need is 1/2 second to run a terminal command. Helmet I use is the B-08 Light Gunner just cause I like the red visor compliment to the armor's red trim and I wear either the Fallen Hero's Vengeance or the Eagle's Fury cape


  • LAS-99 Quasar Cannon -This is great against chargers and bile titans and takes out anything an E.A.T. would without using ammo

  • SH-32 Shield Generator Pack - This comes invaluable considering the fact that hunters and pouncers exist and considering how sneaky some chargers can be.

  • Eagle Airstrike - Throw this on a bug breach or on a freshly grenade-stunned group of bugs and it shines. Helps supplement with nests too since I run stun grenades.

  • Eagle 500Kg Bomb - I typically save these for titans so I have a meaningful way of dealing with them.