If you really want an early start towards the big money in Elite Dangerous, take your Faulcon Delacey Sidewinder (don't worry about getting any upgrades or armour, stock will do), search your local star system map for any RESOURCE EXTRACTION SITES labeled HAZARDOUS, and head on over.
Don't worry at all about the site being labeled HAZARDOUS because that's just tourism click-bait tapping in on the thrill seeker market. The truth that all the wealthy Commanders have been hiding from you is that these sites are virtual untapped fountains of vast riches waiting to be exploited.
If you follow these tips about what to do when you arrive at the HAZARDOUS RESOURCE EXTRACTION SITE, you'll be as safe as an unarmed Federal Navy F63 Condor in the middle of the Pleiades Nebula repeating "your momma..." jokes about Thargoids.
Step 1)
Pick an asteroid, preferably a big one. Big enough to hide your ship and wait around the corner from any unsuspecting pirate ships. If you notice that there aren't any Police or Federal Navy ships around keeping an eye on things, don't worry about it at all. Remember, that leaves more pirates for you!
Step 2)
When the pirates come into weapons range, head directly at them, firing your Pulse Laser repeatedly, targeting their Plasma Accelerators, Rail Guns and all of their other weapons to quickly disable their ability to shoot back at you.
Step 3)
After you've taken out all of their weapons and any fighters launched from their FIGHTER BAYS, then fly around behind them and shoot their Thrusters (you're probably having an "Aha" moment right about now).
Low and behold, those pesky pirates are now sitting ducks with dollar signs in their eyes! Just shoot their immobilized ships, favouring the Faulcon DeLacy Anacondas over the Zorgon Peterson Fer De Lances, as they'll net you the most cash.
Keep repeating Steps 1 - 3 of this method and you'll be well on your way to buying that Fleet Carrier you're already drooling over.