Here are my top 5 Exploration ships in Elite Dangerous
1 - Diamondback Explorer
This is the first of my long range exploration ships - It has a jump range of over 70ly and has a very small footprint so is excellent for Exobiology. A good feature with the Diamondback is that it can withstand a lot of heat, so when entering a system with two hot stars in close proximity it does not overheat quickly. The only drawbacks with this ship are it only has room for one small vehicle bay (1 SRV) and there is only room for one AFM.
2 – Python
This is the second of my long range exploration ships – It has a jump range of over 38ly and is also very good for exobiology as with some manoeuvring it can get into small areas that an Asp or Krait would not get into. The advantages of this ship are that it has room for a larger vehicle bay (2 SRV) and also two AFM units. The only drawback with this ship is on very long voyages it can take a long time because of the 40ly jump range.
3 – Imperial Courier
This is the first of my short range exploration ships. This ship I use for exploration in areas that are close to high population areas because it is fast and very manoeuvrable and is very handy if someone tries to interdict you. It has a jump range of 30ly and can make very short work on short journeys. It also has a very small footprint and is ideal for exobiology.
4 – Hauler
This is the second of my short range exploration ships. This ship I use for in system or nearby system exploration and exobiology. It has a very small footprint so ideal for the job. The main drawback with this ship is it is very slow so if you get into trouble it can be a handful.
5 – Anaconda
This ship I used for very long range exploration. It has a jump range of 70ly but is very hard sometimes to fly. It is also no real use for exobiology as it has a very large footprint. This ship I will more than likely replace with the Mandalay when I get back to civilisation and engineer it.