There is said to be a game out there about Cats, and it isnt made of AI drivel !
This game is Gori Cuddly Carnage and it is SUPERB !
Now imagine if you will a game where the developers have managed to mix, the dynamic action of a Devil May Cry game, with the skateboarding shenangans of a Tony hawks game, THEN, give the user LSD and put it all in to a mix !
Well what you are left with is this absolute banging game where reality is left behind and bright neon colours are your new go to for fashion.
The Gameplay is fast paced and frantic as you go along on your hover board, named Frank ( who is also my favourite character in the game ) pulling off tricks all whilst taking out your enemies, who just so happen to be zombified Unicorns, yes you heard that right, and once more for the people in the back ! Zombified unicorns !
There are boss levels, chase scenes, colourful and creative level designs, insane action, censor beeps for everytime Frank has a go out you and plenty of customisation, all whilst keeping the rewards and how to achieve them in game, without any need for a battle pass or payment system.
The Soundtrack goes pretty hard, with its mix of EDM and sometimes metal feeling rhythms which always matches the beat of the level you are playing, chase scenes feel frantic and intense and boss fight have an air of legitimacy about them !
The game itself is made by an Indie developer from Sweden and this is only their THIRD game they have ever made, for me this is incredibly impressive and shows not only how good they are at what they do, but also the level of creativity they have and willingness to learn as they do release more games and grow as developers.
The Developers also added a Twitch integrations system which allows chatters to drop in as enemies in your game, which makes for entertaining action but also adds a nice personal touch to events, further linking streamer and community !
All in all, this game is a must have for anyone, if you like games in any capacity !
I dont care whether its Retro, Platformer or if you like cats as this game has all that but generally this game is so good, you deserve to have it in your collection. The humour is great, the designs are awesome and the game is just Fun, unadulterated fun !
Thank you very much for coming to my TED talk !