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Share your first impressions of SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


As someone who has played Smite 1 since early Alpha and played the Alpha of Smite 2;

Matchmaking is an issue, it needs more tuning and probably more players to make it work better. Loving the new queue system that matches premades but I don’t think 5v5 belongs in the same bracket as regular ranked lobbies. I think having a monthly « event » similar to Clash in league of legends would be a good compromise for those interested in that kind of challenge.

Playwise; the game feels phenomenal compared to the first weeks. Everything is very responsive, clear and I havn’t experienced lag or stuttering or rubberbanding. How smoothly active items incorporate between god kits and autos is smoother than expected and really allows for advanced mecanics to shine and open up builds.

The new conquest map layout feels large but manageable. Objectives are well scattered and numbrous enough to always have something to do around the map. The current “ meta” favours aggression and rewarding it with a lack of anti-snowball systems which is GOOD. The new relic system is unfortunatly unbalanced currently. Beside Combat Blink, Sunder is the only other Relic that is currently worth picking up as the others don’t lend to this aggresive meta or are too lackluster to be worth the game long investment. The new actives are fun and interesting as they add play verstality to every god. Tho I think a maximum of 2 actives would be enough instead of the current 3.

Balance wise; Susano, Jing Wei and Sol completly outshine everyone else. Susano brings too much mobility for the damage he puts out making him near impossible to deal with for inexperienced players. Sol passive interacting with her new ability to build crit makes her essentially able to double crit. By the end of the first minion wave she is easily able to bully out any lane opponent uncontested. I believe that modifying her kit to have an overheat or abilities costing her passive charge on use would help balance her out and help make her more manageable. Jing Wei being able to hold 9 auto crits aoes is her main issue. Having her not be able to hold charges would help balance her out.

As a Support main; the current sunder meta is fun. Unfortunatly it means that anyone who isn’t experienced in mobas or knows about it can cost the early game and sometimes even the midgame for everyone on the team. Wards timers being so short lived (only 60 seconds) further promotes invade meta and snowballing as vision isnt reliable enough to promote safer play and preventing invades. Towers are too easy to destroy and do not hurt enough. All the supports feel great, new gods being viable as supports thanks to the new active system is very fun and refreshing. The changes to Baccus and Ymir are great and fun but while the new passive for Ares is great the new ult feels lackluster. I believe garenteeing the stun on pulls and in melee range of him would be fine concidering the number of ways between ultimates, actives and relic as well as regular abilities that make you displacement immune would make him still feel powerful without taking him into unmanageable territories. I look forward to the team modifying other returning god kits.

UI: the shop is overwhelming and clunky at times, auto builds are great and I hope they are updated/reviewed regularly as to not fall behind and I canno’t wait for settings to stop resetting regularly.

Keep up the great work. Smite 2 feels promising and fun and I am excited to see where the near future takes it.