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Name three books or comics you'd recommend to anyone and tell us why

in Books & Comics


So im only reccomending this due to the fact i watched the series on amazon. But the origin stories of Vox Machina (created by critical role) the anime series was brilliant and funny to see how their table top game got translated to the animated series. Now looking into the origin stories it still follows the same format as the animates series, including the antics of certain characters such as grog and in particular scanlan. Scanlan during one boss battle spent more time lecturing people including the bad guys, thoigh thinking about it now mighy have been his tactic to stay alive and set them up for death. So if you are a fan of crirical role and their vox machina series then definitely read the origin stories (im gonna start book 2 and 3 that my wife got me for xmas).

Oh then theres the John Wick series (comic series 1-5)that looks at john wicks journey of revenge that ultimately leads him to officially joining the new york continental. It is only a short series but it gives some extra content in understanding the drive of john wick to settle scores with individuals. The series focuses on a small team of criminals that john wick had connections with in his past and jis pursuot to settle scores with them thst lead him to the ultimatum of joining the continental. Whilst a short series its well worth a read for those who are are a fan of john wick.

Oh and then theres the EVE Online series, set in the EVE Online world game that explains the conflicts between the 4 major races. The Empyrean age was a really good book as this was also set as lore to some of the expansions that occured in the game providing rich details on key players in the background thay lead to the capsuleers involvement of the game. Just wish there was more books and that the games lore would occur more often in the game world.