Joined six months ago
in Elite Dangerous
Here is a Mandalay long-range exploration build I've been using since day one of owning the ship. This is focused on solo exobiology & exploration far away from the Bubble. Note: I recommend stocking up on every possible material you might need for repairs, making limpets, and of course FSD Boosting. It's a wee bit fragile so don't lithobreak into high-G planets!
-Stripped Down modules whenever possible to minimize weight & maximize jump range.
-Two AMFUs. The backup is to repair the main AMFU if it breaks.
-Repair limpet controller, but no limpets to start. Bring materials to make limpets as-needed.
-It can carry two SRVs, but if you are a cautious driver maybe you can just bring one.
-Feel free to swap out the second AFMU for a tiny refinery and add on a mining laser. This will make you a bit more self-sufficent in the long term.
in Elite Dangerous
If you're interested in exploring very long distances, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the process of using neutron stars to boost your FSD range. Thankfully there is a very helpful tool made by Gareth Harper which allows you to plot a course from one star system to another using neutron boosts to minimize travel time:
I recommended manually plotting from system to system, using the list generated by this tool. Fly safe and fly far, Commanders! o7