SMITE 2 is a mixed bag to me right now, but it is at least going down the right path in many ways.
First with some big improvements is the premier mode, Conquest. The expansion of the map combined with a massive overhaul to jungle camp tankiness has breathed new life into the game, making it feel so different to play as and around junglers. No longer is the jungle just trivially weak fodder for a mid or side laner to insta-clear, junglers actually have to be in charge of these tankier camps and worry about ganking less repeatedly. Laners have bought jungle starters too much in response to this, but said starters are wisely being balanced out with reduced lane minion damage.
Aspects are a VERY interesting concept that make SMITE 2 stand out as a sequel. With time they will be balanced out, but the creativity is on full display. From becoming an AOE protector as Bellona, to an all-in jungler as Cernunnos or Athena, the possibilities and interactions have increased so much. Super fun.
I do still have some gripes. I thought stability was improving as I stopped getting any crashes for a while, but in the past couple months they've been happening again.
Item variety is gradually improving, but the options are still dreadful for starter upgrades. They are one of the best things about SMITE 1, so I hope more are brought in asap.
Some god's ported over to SMITE 2 feel like they were given straight downgrades here and there. Just to name a few, Ares ult was robbed of its ability to tp/pull enemies while stunning, and is now trivial to counter with any displacement immunity. Other abilities just have this new jankiness to them, like Loki ult or Pele dash/knockup. Alas, I still find myself wanting to play some gods on SMITE 1 instead.
SMITE 2 has a promising future ahead with its ambitious changes and ideas, so long as it keeps improving optimization and bringing in/adding upon great things from SMITE 1.