It was just another day of bumming around in the wormhole that we called home. Me and a handful of other corp mates were trying to figure out what we wanted to do. Should we go hunting? Do we want to do some pirate sites and salvage all the loot? One of our guys decided he would buzz around through some connecting wormholes and look for some good gas mining sites. His gas-huffing boat was nice and stealthy; perfect for what he was about to do. He took off to do his thing while we sat around pvp’ing each other and scratching our asses. It wasn’t long before he came over our comms channel, “Bring boats, lots of them!”.
Now, keep in mind, that we can only fit destroyer class and smaller ships through this hole. Destroyers are one of the smallest classes of ships.
So, we get our boats and stage on our side of the hole. This was so that we could jump through the hole en masse. Surprise!! You suddenly have 12 ships in the hole with you and you’ve just hit pucker factor 11. Our man in the hole is cloaked up and starts feeding us warp-in points. He comes over comms and tells us, “Just be ready for a long fight.”. Our fleet commander gives the countdown for jump- 3, 2, 1, JUMP! We hit the other side of the hole and once everyone is in, we align to our warp point and warp in. When we hit the warp in point we were astounded and excited to see that what our corp mate has found is a freakin’ Rorqual! I giant industrial mining ship. An unbelievably expensive giant mining ship with lots of drones and tougher than John Wayne!
Our fleet commander gives us the green light to attack. Giving orders for certain groups to kite the Rorqual and for others to focus on the drones. The attack commences. In the meantime, calls are going out through online chat apps, text messages, and phone calls- All hands on deck!
Over a few hours, pilots are logging in and out due to real-life responsibilities, wife aggro, and tiredness. Ships are destroyed and capsules are coming back with new jump clones and ships. Tactical destroyers, bombers, and logistics ships coming and going.
When all was said and done, the Rorqual succumbed. This was a big deal. As far as we were aware, we were the first to ever bring down a Rorqual in a wormhole. We were under the impression that at that time, a ship of that size couldn’t get into a wormhole. Some of our members even contacted CCP to inquire about it but never received a reply.
Whatever the case, we had a major victory that will be forever memorialized on Zkill.