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Pitch a festive in-game event for SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


Challenge of the gods: (can be themed to any festive event)

This event would include a leaderboard and rewards from everyone who participate (spoiler allert: as long as you play you will earn reward).

First and foremost the rewards:

• tier1: global emote pertaining to the festive event

•tier2: Jump stamps / recall skin / ward skin (I HOPE WE GET THOSE AT SOME POINT)

•tier3: special emote for a god (example: ymir throwing a snowball/ dance emote for a god? (this emote can be used on any skin))

•tier4: Skin event (might be a recolor or a brand new skin whatever you prefer)

•tier5: Leader board skin event (top 100), they will get a "shiny version" of the skin event on top of the normal skin event

•Tier 5 bis: title for the top 10, for instance something on the line of "Nightmare of 20XX" if halloween themed, or "Hearbreaker of 20XX" for valentine's day?

How will the event play:

•Most basic rewards (tier 1 to tier 4): play a number of matches (win or loose them but DO NOT AFK), you can play normal mode or ranked mode.

You can also add missions if you so prefer (ex: kill XXX gods, makes XXX assists, bla bla bla)

•Tier 5 reward: choose a gamemode (ranked or not) and make a duplicate for the event (valentine / christmass / halloween whatsoever), the gamemode MUST be stylized (please add themed decorations such as snow for winter as an example).

Once you decide on which gamemode will be used (arena / joust / conquest / slash? but please never duel it is better to farm the event with friends). Make a leader board tracking win/loss and most importantly KILLS ASSIST AND DEATH + tower / objectiv destroyed (such as titan so to avoid people just farming kills if you choose conquest for instance), most of the points should be awarded on the KDA + objective as to encourage interaction and good play from people.

How you could monetize this event:

Make a paid unlockable version of the event which will unlock an additional skin, jump stamp, music theme ? , announcer pack?, recall skin etc.

This version should be on the same difficulty than the tier 1 to 4 reward and be 20 euros at max. (I am a whale and if I smell bullshit in pricing, I won t buy.) The goal would be for the paid version to be accessible to a large audience as to encourage people to buy, not to high paywall a cool skin.

This version should have NO REWARDS LINKED TO THE LEADERBOARD, leaderboard is for free to play player and encourage people playing the event.


Highlight (if possible) the top 10 players during a livestream or post or hall of fame in game on the main page . This will be the final "hey look mama ima famous" moment.

ps: sorry if there is any mistakes in my grammar or anything else, english is not my primary language.