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Create a guide on how to play Nu Wa in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


Nu Wa Guide - ADC Opinions

I want to focus on how to utilize Nu Wa as an ADC that hopefully can extend beyond just current builds.

With Nu Wa, pairing her with a lane controlling support (fenrir, ares, bacchus) should do well. With her being immobile her level 1 - 3 lane can be pretty scary if the enemy can cc her. Positioning safely on the other side of the lane as the enemy ADC should make them choose to hit you or the wave. Hitting the wave with your 3 (at least melee minions) and the autoing should give you strong lane clear.

In lane 1v1s, you're probably playing as a reactionary adc. What I mean by that is waiting for the enemy to use one of their primary abilities (wave clear/movement) before starting a fight. Another option is to prioritze clearing the wave with 3 only and then saving other utilities if they try to fight you off your 3 being down. Don't stay too far up the lane. You don't have movement so pressuring their tower by yourself is very dangerous.

In the mid game, try and travel with your teammates to objectives like gold, naga, pyro, and fire giant. Using the portals is a safer option than running through the jg if you're going across the map.

Late game, you may become the primary target for enemy teams to try and kill with their ultimates and high cc abilities. Try the best you can to utilize your ult to stay safe in a fight and let your team turn on those diving. Once you land, play with your support and/or mid laner to combo your cc with their damage/cc.

If under a phoenix, throwing the 1 to help clear lanes is a good option. Use your 2 and 3 to target enemies that dive way too deep. If you get jumped on with no help, then look to ult to buy time for yourself.


Teach us how to play Ares in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


Ares: Best fits into support role, but with a coordinated team comp could find himself in solo with success.

Support Early Game - emphasize pressuring the enemy frontline/backline by playing in their face (near front of minion wave or standing by their wave). Holding chains and juking around can cause the enemy to get scared and use abilities on you or auto towards you. When you do find a chance to hit chains space them out to keep the effect on the enemy longer. When not in lane, look to invade camps even if its by yourself. Just being a nuisance in their jungle making them waste time on you can help your adc/mid farm by themselves and secure neutrals alone.

Support mid game - look to roam after hitting levels 5 or so between each lane where the opportunity to kill/pressure out the opponent to get neutrals would be helpful. If a mid laner or adc does not have beads or a cc immune ult (kuku, cern) you can look to gank them every time your ult is up to go for a kill.

Objectives - look to tank the objectives for your team and vgs for your team to attack the gold fury, queen naga. Vgs to attack as well if you want to go in. This gives your team confidence to step up with you rather than ulting and your team not expecting it.

Items/Relics - get sunder as a support. it is just a great tool to secure camps/big obectives from the enemy team.

Item - Boar Transform (can't remember the actual item name) - being able to turn into a boar and dash in gives you the chance to immediately ult afterwards and close distance since you won't have blink as a relic. The invisible active item can also be a good tool.

As a support in general thebes and prophetic cloak and mushroom are strong items for your team.

Late game - look to dive rather than peel for your backline! He's not great at getting a thanatos or susano off the backline so in most cases it makes more sense to start the fight than wait for the fight to come to you. your backline most of the time should try and step up to you rather than run away when in danger in the fight. don't be afraid to die for you team. that 10% of your health could be used to eat a couple autos from a strong enemy and be just enough for your adc to live and wipe their team.

Hope this helps! :)