Nu Wa Guide - ADC Opinions
I want to focus on how to utilize Nu Wa as an ADC that hopefully can extend beyond just current builds.
With Nu Wa, pairing her with a lane controlling support (fenrir, ares, bacchus) should do well. With her being immobile her level 1 - 3 lane can be pretty scary if the enemy can cc her. Positioning safely on the other side of the lane as the enemy ADC should make them choose to hit you or the wave. Hitting the wave with your 3 (at least melee minions) and the autoing should give you strong lane clear.
In lane 1v1s, you're probably playing as a reactionary adc. What I mean by that is waiting for the enemy to use one of their primary abilities (wave clear/movement) before starting a fight. Another option is to prioritze clearing the wave with 3 only and then saving other utilities if they try to fight you off your 3 being down. Don't stay too far up the lane. You don't have movement so pressuring their tower by yourself is very dangerous.
In the mid game, try and travel with your teammates to objectives like gold, naga, pyro, and fire giant. Using the portals is a safer option than running through the jg if you're going across the map.
Late game, you may become the primary target for enemy teams to try and kill with their ultimates and high cc abilities. Try the best you can to utilize your ult to stay safe in a fight and let your team turn on those diving. Once you land, play with your support and/or mid laner to combo your cc with their damage/cc.
If under a phoenix, throwing the 1 to help clear lanes is a good option. Use your 2 and 3 to target enemies that dive way too deep. If you get jumped on with no help, then look to ult to buy time for yourself.