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Teach us how to play Pele in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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How to play Pele SMITE 2!

Pele is a strong assassin with a massive lifesteal on her kit makes her a great jungler with a lot of sustain and great mobility.

Pele passive (Everlasting Flame): When Pele drops below 50% health, gain increased Strength and Lifesteal. This effect has a cooldown.

Pele abilities:

  1. Pyroclast: Pele fires a magma projectile deals physical damage, At max range the magma persists and fires additional shard projectiles back to her, dealing Damage to enemies, this ability grants fuel per enemy hit.

  2. Eruption: Pele deals Damage and Knocks Up enemies around her, At rank 3 and 5 this area gains additional explosion areas, Activating this ability while in the amplified state of Magma Rush will cause Pele to dash a short distance before erupting.

  3. Magma Rush: Pele repeatedly deals Physical Damage to nearby enemies and gains movement speed while this ability is active. Magma Rush uses Fuel for its duration and has no cooldown.

  4. Volcanic Rush: Pele becomes CC Immune then Dashes forward dealing Physical Damage and Slowing the first enemy God hit, and firing a cone attack that deals Physical Damage to other enemies.

leveling order

  1. Pyroclast:

  2. Eruption:

  3. Magma Rush:

  4. Volcanic Rush:

Pele is an assassin with physical scaling so this build will work on her very well, its a mix of damage penetration.

This build at the first time it will look bad build, but trust me and try it, you will never die even if you are vs more than 1 enemy.

Tips for Pele

  • Your jungle farm is so fast, get level 3 and start your ganks, don't wait for level 5.

  • When it's mid game, you are pretty much able to fight any enemy god, so ganks are so important in mid game to give your team lead.

  • For team fights, go on the enemy back line and block them from attacking your team and kill them.

Create a guide on how to play Medusa in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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How to play Medusa The Gorgon in Smite 2!

Medusa is a very strong hunter and I can say she is the strongest hunter in Smite 2, she has a very strong and aggressive kit that lets her win every 1 vs 1 with any hunter in the game.

Medusa passive and abilities:

Medusa passive and abilities:

Medusa passive(Sidewinder): Medusa suffers no movement penalty when strafing and half the movement penalty when backpedaling.

Medusa abilities:

  1. Viper Shot: Gain increased Attack Speed and augment your next 4 Basic Attacks. every basic attack from this 4 basic attacks shooting vipers that poison the targets hit makes them bleed, Each successful hit on an enemy God reduces the Cooldown of this ability.

  2. Acid Spray: Medusa Spits acid that deals Physical Damage to the first enemy hit, then spraying out in a cone behind them. Enemies hit have their Healing Taken reduced for 5s. Acid spray will explode on the statues Medusa has created.

  3. Lacerate: Medusa Slither's forward Damage to all enemies she passes through, The first enemy God you encounter causes you to stop before damaging and Rooting the God hit.

  4. Petrify: Medusa removes her mask, enemies stunned if they look at you. If they are not looking at you, they are instead dealt reduced Physical Damage and Slowed. Medusa is CC Immune while using this ability.

    leveling order:

    Viper Shot:

    Acid Spray:



This build is a very strong one on Medusa after testing a lot of builds, you can 1 shot any god in the game and kill tanks very fast.

  • For lane phase, don't be afraid of fighting the enemy adc, you have a strong kit and you can win most of your team fights.

  • For team fight focus on dealing damage to enemy damage dealers, you can melt them, and after this turn your focus on the enemy tanks.

Teach us how to play Poseidon in SMITE 2!

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How to play Poseidon God of the Oceans in SMITE 2!

Poseidon is a strong magical god with a simple kit. He deals a lot of damage, making him one of the most op gods in Smite 2

Poseidon passive

Changing Tide: Successfully hit basic attacks to gain Tide. Poseidon has increased Movement Speed and his abilities deal additional damage based on his Tide amount. Using abilities decreases Tide.

Poseidon abilities

  • Tidal Surge: Poseidon summons a wave passing through all who stand before it, dealing Magical Damage and Knocking Back enemies. If this ability is used while "Trident" is active, it will send out two additional waves.

  • Trident: Poseidon activates his Trident, gaining increased Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Basic Attack Damage. While activated, Tidal Surge & Basic Attacks fire two additional shots.

  • Whirlpool: Poseidon summons a whirlpool, Crippling, Vortexing, and dealing Magical Damage repeatedly to enemies in the area.

  • Release the Kraken: Poseidon summons the Kraken, dealing Magical Damage and Slowing enemies in its area. Enemies in the center area when it spawns take increased Magical Damage and are Stunned and Knocked Up.

This build I came up with, you can deal crazy damage and you have almost infinite cooldown.

  • Start the game by leveling up your 1, this will help you clear the first wave before the enemy mid lane.

  • You have good movement speed, so you have to rotate to duo lane and solo lane very much to help them with their lane.

  • For team fights, the timing of your Kraken is important, with it you can ult multiple enemies and help your team to kill them so fast and win the game.

Teach us how to play Cupid in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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How to play Cupid in SMITE 2!

Cupid is a strong hunter in Smite 2 with a great ultimate, good abilities for sustain, and high basic attack damage with the right build.

Cupid aspect (Aspect of Love): Heart Bomb's damage is decreased but the enemy hit has reduced Attack Speed and the explosion area heals allies. At 8 stacks of Lovestruck, allies also gain a Health Shield.

Cupid passive (Lovestruck allies): Hitting a Basic Attack grants Cupid a stack, or stacks if the Target is an enemy God. Cupid's abilities will consume up to 8 stacks of Lovestruck when used, granting them additional Damage, Healing, and bonus effects.

Cupid abilities:

  • Heart Bomb: Cupid fires an Arrow of love, dealing Physical Damage to the first enemy hit and Slowing them. After a short duration, the enemy's heart explodes, dealing Physical Damage to themselves, and all enemies within the radius. If Cupid has 8 stacks of Lovestruck, all enemies in the explosion area are stunned.

  • Share the Love: Cupid lobs an explosive bomb at a location, that detonates shortly after landing dealing Physical Damage to all enemies in the area. After the bomb explodes, 3 hearts spawn around the detonation location, healing and restoring Mana to any ally that picks them up. If Cupid has 8 stacks of Lovestruck, the hearts also provide a temporary buff to Strength and Intelligence.

  • Flutter: Cupid Dashes forward quickly, leaving behind a trail that increases all allies' Attack and Movement Speed.

  • Fields of Love: Cupid fires a volley of arrows in an area, Slowing and Crippling all enemies inside. The arrows will grow over a short duration before exploding, dealing Physical Damage and Mesmerizing all enemies inside the area, while healing all allies. If Cupid has 8 stacks of Lovestruck, enemies are stunned instead of Mesmerized.

Ability Leveling Order

Heart Bomb: 1-3-6-7-10

Flutter: 2-8-11-12-14

Share the Love: 4-15-16-18-19

Fields of Love: 5-9-13-17-20

This build is a mix of crit pen and attack speed, you can kill any god tank or not a tank so easy.

  • When you play Cupid, start your lane with farming minions at level 2, you can fight your enemy.

  • For lane phase, you always have the advantage over your enemy because of your ultimate and abilities.

  • For team fights, make sure to use your ultimate at the right time because your ultimate is a team fight ultimate that will lead your team to win the fight.


Teach us how to play Thor in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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How to play Thor in SMITE 2!

Thor is one of the hardest assassins to play with as a jungle, his kit is fun and can 1 shot any god if you did his combo right.

Thor's aspect (Aspect of Thunderstruck): Thunderstruck is always active; triggering it 3 times on a god heals Thor, slowing and trembling them. Warrior’s Madness grants Protections instead of Strength. Mjolnir’s Attunement no longer deals bonus return damage, and Tectonic Rift has no damage scaling.

Thor's abilities and passive

Passive Warrior's Madness: Thor gains strength for each enemy god near him, up to 3. After using Berserker's Barrage or Anvil of Dawn, he becomes "Thunderstruck." While Thunderstruck, Mjolnir deals bonus physical damage, and can arc up to 2 nearby enemies.

Thor's abilities:

Mjolnir's Attunement: Thor throws Mjolnir forward, dealing Physical Damage to enemies as it travels. When it reaches max range, it flies back to you. Mjolnir deals more damage on enemies hit on the return flight. Thor can reactivate the ability to instantly teleport to Mjolnir while it is in flight.

Tectonic Rift: Thor slams Mjolnir down creating a fissure, dealing Physical Damage to enemies as it erupts. Enemies hit are also stunned. The fissure created blocks movement, but allows projectiles to pass though. The ability can be reactivated to destroy the fissure early.

Berserker Barrage: Thor begins to spin, dealing Physical Damage to enemies around him. After spinning twice, he will unleash a final cone attack that deals Physical Damage to enemies in front of him. Thor is Displacement Immune while channeling this ability, while also gaining 3 seconds of Thunderstruck, causing Mjolnir hits to arc and damage nearby enemies.

Anvil of Dawn: Thor flies up into the sky! Once flying, he chooses a location to land, dealing Physical Damage and stunning all Enemies he lands upon. Thor becomes CC Immune during this ability, and after landing, will be Thunderstruck for 6 seconds, causing Mjolnir hits to arc and deal damage to nearby enemies.

This build provides you with damage and defense, make you strong and able to live for a longer time in teamfights.

  • When you play Thor, keep farming to level 5, then you gank any lane you want and get kills.

  • Keep ganking when your ultimate is ready, this will let you and your team level up faster and get an advantage on your enemy team.

  • for team fights, focus the enemy damage dealers to get them out of the fights.


Teach us how to play Agni in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

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How to play Agni in SMITE 2!

Agni is a good magical god for mid lane with high abilities damage and great ultimate for melting enemies.

Her main role is mid laner.

Passive Combustion: each time you hit an enemy with a basic attack, you get a stack, after 4 stacks Agni's next Flame Wave or Rain Fire ability cast will ignite all enemies hit, dealing Magical Damage over time. When Agni kills an enemy God


Noxious Fumes: Agni summons a cloud of noxious fumes which deals Magical Damage every second. Hitting the fumes with any of your other abilities detonates the gas, Stunning and dealing Magical Damage to enemies in the area.

Flame Wave: Agni summons a wave of fire, dealing Magical Damage.

Path of Flames: Agni dashes forward leaving a trail of fire behind him. Enemies that enter the area take Magical Damage over time. Agni becomes Displacement Immune while Dashing. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

Rain Fire: Agni Summons a meteor to fall on a target location, dealing magical damage. He can have up to 3 charges of this ability. This ability can ignite Noxious Fumes.

build for AGNI:

This build is a mix of damage and pen with a lot of cooldown, it will let you spam abilities so fast.

Tips for agni

  • You are a strong lane god, don't be afraid of fighting the enemy mid god.

  • For mid game, start rotating to solo or duo lane and help them to get kills and XP to get stronger.

  • For late game, you can kill any god with full build, so stay behind your team so you can spam abilities and get kills for your team and win the game.