


Joined six months ago



Recommend a third-party tool for Elite Dangerous!

in Elite Dangerous


I would like to recommend to y'all touch portal!

It's not only for elite but I use it only when playing elite as it allows me to use my phone or tablet as another input panel for my ship. If immersion is really important for you I highly recommend it.

This is my phone panel, It allows me easy access to necessary functions for my mining operations.

The application needs to be downloaded on your computer and your phone/tablet.

In your computer you can configure, customize the buttons and even create some macros if you so desire.

There's a pro version which gives you access to the use of a plugin that's specially made for ED.(I haven't tried that yet)

All in all it just makes me feel like I'm improving my ship IRL by configuring and customizing the buttons to improve my efficiency.