Joined seven months ago
in Elite Dangerous
75 rewards remaining
For those who are looking for ‘peace’ when exploring, and want to have ‘peace’ for their ears...
in Music
60 rewards remaining
Lead vocalist of Babymetal, currently 27 years old but started his musical career at the age of 11.
Her style may be more or less appealing, or not so appealing to classic metalheads, but she has an incredible voice, which is why she won, for example, the Female Metal Singer of 2024 Metal Award.
Her ability to achieve a very wide vocal range, to achieve superb intonation and depth even while continuously performing choreographed movements, and her stage presence, make her a superb singer and performer.
100 rewards remaining
Remlok [aka Remlok Industries] (proper noun): Manufacturer allied to the Alliance based in Bragurom Du and creator of the famous space suits and survival masks.
Remlok Industries is a well-known corporation, extending its main economic sphere around the Bragurom Du system. The high-tech station present within the system offers high quality components and modules, as well as Remlok survival products. The corporation is also notable for its contribution to the development of xeno-technology research.'Bonjour Commander, you are welcome in our borders.'
— Bragurom Du In-Game Description
50 rewards remaining
Similarly, I also believe that the Phase 5 update could be aimed at streamlining the current mission system, as well as incorporating new, more complex global missions, like the ‘Interstellar Initiatives’ we had years ago, but with a greater degree of freedom of action and with different possible end results.
As for the new ships, I think we're going to see some surprises with the appearance of a ship of enormous size, probably in conjunction with the Vanguards update... and perhaps with a lot of multi-crew possibilities.
in Sport
30 rewards remaining
Después de haber sido algo señalado frente al Mallorca por hacer que los baleares se llevasen un punto, el noruego fue decisivo en Vallecas
I think creators like this, and videos like this, show that human ingenuity in creating music is practically limitless.
What I love most is the creator's ability to make something incredibly original, incredibly eye-catching, yet still incredibly beautiful.
in Film & TV
Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley
The truth is that I was shocked to see it in Star Wars - The Force Awakens... I was in the cinema and, as a big fan of the film saga, I wanted to get there without having seen anything in any trailer. When I saw the actress on screen, I have to admit that I found her impressively attractive. Already, in the character and in the film, everyone will have their own opinion, and mine is that I love the role she plays, and how she plays it... maybe influenced by that first impression, I don't deny it, hehehehehe.
in Tech
Closes in 4 days
Eternal struggle... who invades whom?
Fortunately in my city, Seville, the city council has had the great detail to protect certain precious natural elements although a surface parking lot is built.
Create a pair of weekly Community Goals that would be fully applicable to the actual game;
It could contain the current conditions of the official GCs;
Descriptions that relate to in-game events.
A system and station as a base for the delivery of actives.
Have defined playable roles on the actions to be performed; bounty, exploration, delivery, etc.
That they have a target amount to reach.
Or it could be something completely new, but that is really applicable to the game.
In the Aztlan system there is a star body called ‘Nexus737’ with a space station orbiting it called ‘Tannhauser Gate’... a clear and obvious reference to the movie Blade Runner.