
Joined seven months ago



Make a tier list of the hardest bosses or enemies in any game!

in Video Games



You know you wanna know: WHO WAS THE BUM THAT MADE YOU RAGE THE MOST?!? Well, you get to know RIGHT NOW!!


ELDEN RING: Wait, where's the name of the enemy? The Bosses? The- BRO ITS ALL OF THEM. LITERALLY ALL OF THEM. THEY CAN ALL CATCH A BODY IF YOU ARENT AWARE OF THEM. Literally everything in that game is a nightmare even if you think that you can take them, even if you level up, even if you have good magic. Unless you grind for a whole month, YOU WILL SUFFER.

The AI Android Soldiers [GTA Online]: Doesn't matter if you put the difficulty to Easy, Normal, or Hard, THEY ARE UNKILLABLE JUGGERNAUTS. You hit them with 15 Rockets, 10 Railguns, AN ENTIRE MINIGUN MAGAZINE, C4, GRENADES, whatever; THEY WILL SHRUG IT OFF. That, and I swear they have aimbot lockon. THEY. DON'T. MISS.

Just About Any Conflict Zone [Elite Dangerous]: You think you're gonna get paid when you enter a Low Level Conflict Zone in the middle of backwards space? THINK AGAIN. No matter your shields, weapons, or countermeasures, YOU WILL GET EATEN. Missiles are useless, lasers are basically non-effective overall, railguns (which do pretty good) YOU HAVE TO AIM PROPERLY, the only good kinetic weapons are miniguns but the only good weapons are the Tracking or Turret AT LOW DAMAGE, and they always somehow KNOW how to do impossible turns and dodging.

ANY. ENEMY. IN. WARZONE. [Call of Duty: Warzone]: You know. I know you know. Absolutely know. You aim, they don't fall. They get close, they practically INSTAKILL YOU. You think you got the drop on them with a sniper rifle from a decent distance? AND THEY USE A BASIC ASSAULT RIFLE TO GET ALL YOUR SHIELDS DOWN AND HEALTH BASICALLY GONE? And you broke your mouse, didnt you? You threw into a wall, covered up the hole you made from your mom, and had your dad buy you a new one because "the dog munched on it".

The Reapers [Subnautica]: Imagine this - you're enjoying some nice watersports, enjoying some alien fish, avoiding a weird overgrown piranha, dancing with underwater spore cows, and suddenly...rrrrrrRRRAAAAAaaaaarrrrrrr...nah. Nope. Thats when you turn back. You don't explore the rest of the game. You go back to your safezone bubble. You don't go near Aurora, you don't go into super deep water, you dont take risks. HAVE FUN EXPLORING THAT LITTLE WATER POCKET OF PLANET.

PLAYERS [RUST]: I don't need to say anything; you know the pain of spawning, spending 30 minutes just to craft a SINGLE 1 room, 1 story house with no good lock, barely a sleeping bag and your harvesting tools are low...and you die to a guy with a gun who steals everything you gathered and takes your house. And that keeps happening. Every. Single. Time. No friends, just all hands.


Automatons [Helldivers 2]: If Siri is going to become these things, we need to uprise. NOW. These things are HORRIBLE. But they can be taken out if you have smart people on your team and the right weapons. But if you have NO clips, jammers are active, and you have NO BACKUP? Give up. Just embrace the missiles headed your way, or the buzzsaw. You can't hit that dang thing.

NATURE [No Man's Sky]: Procedurally generated nature HATES me. You will not have oxygen. You will not find water, resources are minimal. Nature hates you. The pirate are somewhat easy to kill; the animals are...something. Nature itself? And you can't get a powercell to get out of the system? BRUH.

Most Mini and Main Bosses [Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet]: Nobody knows this game, but if you know...yeah, you know. They fight fast, bullets go faster, they are tanky as heck, critical hits are tickles, and if you have a bad team? BRUH.

Pals You Don't Understand [Palworld]: You really thought that thing was an ice type? GUESS AGAIN ITS A WIND TYPE GET READY TO DIE TO A HURRICANE THAT DOESNT TAKE GOOD BULLET DAMAGE!

Hackers [GTA Online/Red Dead Online]: They ruined good games. They ruined the only really good open world games because they couldn't let other people have fun.

I Despise You Tier

Bennett Foddy [Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy]: I HATED YOU AFTER THE 100th ATTEMPT. I finally figured out how to play and relax while playing, but you caused RAGE FOR MILLIONS.

The Customers [Gas Station Simulator]: Yall nasty. CLEAN THE HECK UP AFTER YOURSELF. Also, why yall want so many beers? DRINK WATER YOU ARE IN THE DESERT!! Also, WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH YOUR CAR?!? You come in for gas, grab snacks, head to the carwash, clog toilets, and then come into the repair station with YOUR CAR IN SHAMBLES.

The Diabolical Tier

The Goose [Untitled Goose Game]: WE ARE A MENACE TO SOCIETY.

Theif [Thief Simulator]: Are you telling me...that as a bad guy...I'M THIS TRASH AT STEALING THINGS?!?

Every Outlast Villain [Outlast]: Did you train with GOKU FOR INSTANT TRANSMISSION?!? HOW DO YOU TELEPORT SO FAST?!?

Hope yall enjoyed! If I missed any, feel free to add sections or your painful gaming trauma of enemies!