ULLR: Aspect of Patience
Weapon Master(P) no longer reduces cooldowns but grants increased physical damage to the opposite stance
Expose Weakness(Invigorate)(2) gains greatly increased duration when used with a stack of weapon master
I love the idea of an ULLR which doesn't just spam abilities but when you do get hit by one or hit one you know its gonna hurt.
As for the balancing of the aspect I was thinking around 10-20% increased damage on the next ability used, with an internal cooldown of about 5-7 secs so the buff isn't constantly active
As for the ability 2 portion of the aspect, I thought doubling the buff duration from 5 to 10 seconds would be a decent trade-off seeing as its the only ability which doesn't gain a damage increase.
Obviously I'm no balancing expert however and I've likely not thought about some specific scenario in which this is busted but i like it nonetheless and i hope you do too!