MightyRavino's avatar




Joined two months ago



Design a kit for a god that has never been seen in SMITE before!

in SMITE 2


Lu Bu - The Ruthless Warrior

Pantheon: Chinese

Role: Warrior/Jungle

Weapon: Qinglong ji

Dmg: Phy/STR Scale

AA: Single Target>Single Target>Cleave

Passive: Battlefield Resilience - Abilities change depending if Lu Bu's build is focusing on attack, defense, or both. This will be determined by the number of items built.

Ability 1: Qinglong Whirlwind - Lu Bu spins his Qinglong Ji over his head creating a whirlwind that pull enemies towards Lu Bu.

  • Attack Based: Ability can be channeled indefinitely increasing in damage, but drastically increasing mana cost.

  • Defense Based: Ability can be channeled up to 3 seconds and vortex is significantly stronger.

  • Balanced: Ability can be channeled up to 5 seconds with damage and vortex strength being in the middle of the other two versions.

Ability 2: Warrior's Will - Lu Bu fearlessly holds his ground and becomes CC and Damage immune for 1 second.

  • Attack Based: Upon completion he receives an Attack Buff for 5 seconds.

  • Defense Based: Upon completion he receives a Defense Buff for 5 seconds.

  • Balanced: Upon completion he receives increased Attack Speed and Movement Speed for 5 seconds.

Ability 3: Demon's Clutch - Lu Bu dashes forward damaging enemies he passes through and stopping if he connects with an enemy God holding them in place for 1 second.

  • Attack Based: Dash distance - Long. If ability is reactivated, enemy is thrown upwards creating knock up.

  • Defense Based: Dash distance - Short. If ability is reactivated, enemy God can be tossed a short distance in any direction (except upwards) receiving damage if hitting enemy minions or stunning both Gods if tossed and connecting with another enemy God.

  • Balanced: Dash distance - Medium. Gods are held in place for 1.5 seconds. Lu Bu tightens his grip dealing DOT every .3 seconds.

Ultimate: Terror in the Battlefield - Lu Bu becomes CC and death immune for 4 seconds. His indomitable presence buffs himself and his allies.

  • Attack Based: Self and nearby Allies receive attack buff and haste for duration of the ultimate.

  • Defense Based: Self and nearby Allies receive defense and attack speed buff for the duration of the ultimate.

  • Balanced: Self and nearby allies have all abilities (except Ultimate) cooldowns reset.