Joined six months ago
in Elite Dangerous
"You want to know who I am but honestly I'm not even sure who I am msyself right now, you caught me at a very strange point in my life." , her words are draped in the hint of what would pass for ancient earth French accent and although her smile and demenour are inviting shes the kind of person that unless you were already staring at her you would probably not even notice.
She's slender, elagent and actually not unattractive if you favored brunettes with bright green eyes and sharper features, but the longer you spend interviewing her you get uneasy.
"I cant even tell you if my name is Anri or D'ian, am I the mother or the daughter you know what I mean, ive got three lifetimes of memories and none of it in the right order." she takes a drag of her cigar and slowly stares at you with a piercing smile. "Right now what I do know is I have half the galaxy that wants me dead or in a cage, and the other half will join then if they find out what ive done. Fact is you should probably just forget about this interview, for your own safety you know." - excerpt unnamed interviewee Vox Galactica
Anri LaRosa aka D'ian LaRosa is the character I have had the pleasure of roleplaying into life for the last two years. Affectionately reffered to as the Maid by those in the loop in the inner workings of the secret wars that go on in the background of Elite Dangerous, my character is the result of allowing my character to go at its own pace and her lore unraveled as I learned as I went so did she. I like to think of her as taking a lot of notes from characters like River Tam, Ada Wong and Aeon Flux, I am also a fan of the Stainless steel rat series leading me to add a touch of conwoman to the mix of things.
I actually wound up not leaving the new player bubble for a long time, at least several weeks, I remember what drew me out was finally meeting new players in open in the new player area, both of them had just started and were already going to leave and I had been sitting there , thinking about what to do. My answer was to follow the news and at that time the Golconda Generation ship was being visited by a dredger clan who would upgrade the old generation ship.
My instincts were on the money because that would wind up being the location of the Community Goal for supplying the newly retrofitting Golconda for a journey. I made a small fortune and it set me up for the following act of my career.
I should probably preface this next stage of my story with the admission.
Im the bad guy.
On June 20th 3308 Salvation declared that Taurus Mining Ventures was in fact Azimuth Biotech, a modern branch of an old defunct corporation. Shortly after a large uprising of players who called themselves Operation Wych Hunt came into being and I felt my calling.
No not helping OWH, I signed up as Azimuth Biotech Logistics, possibly the first Pro Azimuth player squadron in the game. My character had the start of an identity and from there ive slowly fleshed out her backstory and motivations. I worked hard to supply the Proteus wave along with many other cmdrs, managed to get all 4 of the reward paint jobs before we set off that big old bomb and started that second Thargoid war, you know the one still ongoing. Yea i helped with that. After the death of Salvation (WHO IS ALIVE AND WILL RETURN) I spent much of my time being the mouth of Azimuth Biotech in the game , I would make sure to remind players at CG events to GET YOUR MBOONI PERMIT TODAY. I even like to take credit for the jump of the megaship Musashi into Wandarama, a system that we managed to keep Azimuth housed in for nearly 8 months until a concerted effort of the Anti Club Accord and allies who intended to see the last fires of my dear Azimuth stamped out.
Since then Anri has been chased out of the bubble by Anti Club Accord, a clandestine group that has ties to many player groups allied for good. They even held a trial for me and everything , It was an honor. In fact although I play a great villain in game im glad to say that Ive made a great number of friends all over the galaxy. Some even promise not to shoot on sight.
Everything from 3308 til now has been the first act of my characters new life story, from waking up from Cryo with no memory of who she was to slowly coming to terms with the reality of who she was and the close to 300 years of memories in her head.
I've decided to really lean into the villain angle and having come up with a back story that includes being a memetic clone, my characters lovely work history includes working with some of the worst people in history, INRA, Hans Walden, The Club, just to name a few.
Dont ask what she did at Taylor Keep
I know things might look bad but I promise shes not a bad person, well ok shes not evil.
She would be the first to admit shes a pretty awful person, but she also knows that these kinds of people that rule from the shadows only allow you to live as long as you are useful, and a maid is nothing if not useful. She knows that her hands are blood stained, but she knows that if she stops then she might not get the chance she needs, the chance shes waiting for to take the wheel for her own. If she cant have the wheel she will shatter it , and the Club with it if need be.
The maid is a very unruly and complex character, not to mention a largely unreliable narrator of her own stories most of the time. And having already taken up much of your time I should let you find out more for yourself if you want.
Read about the latest misadvantures You always were a kidder D'ian
Start at the Biography She doesnt exist