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Joined four months ago



Tell us why you play Elite Dangerous!

in Elite Dangerous

90 rewards remaining

I started playing Elite Dangerous after seeing it as a category here on Just About.

The game sucked me in right away and it has been a blast to learn. This is not an easy game to say the least. Seriously. It has been a rollercoaster of emotion. I LOVE IT. From the very first day playing it I had to overcome the urge to rage quit and the community on Twitch has gleefully explained that they are aggressively helpful multiple times and I believe that more than you know. So many people have offered to explain the game to me and have wanted to jump into voice chat just to dump their thoughts about what I should do or learn next. I have been told that this game didn't have any kind of tutorial before and the tutorial that is in the dash board to your right in your ship is new to the game. This game DOES NOT hold your hand. People rely heavily on the community YouTube videos and how tos for advancing in the game and for tips and tricks.

I have had a good time trying to remember all of the things I've learned and have made a few YouTube edits of my longer content from Twitch, I have 20 hours in the game so far.

Right now I am taking data delivery missions and just trying to jump from one place to another. I figured out how to use the frame shift drive, super cruise assist and auto docking. Now that I am getting the hang of that and feel pretty comfortable getting around I have looked at doing other things. I learned how to use the scanner on my ship too.

I am having a good time interacting with the community. This game has been around a long time and it has a loyal following. Its cool to be a part of something like that. The game really is special among space games and I appreciate that I had the opportunity to learn about it. From its origins in 1984 to what the game is now, with the Odyssey DLC, the game has changed over time but it has just gotten better and better. Some people that didn't know about the Odyssey DLC have mentioned that they weren't aware of the ground battle and ground stations. I guess before you had to stay in your ship, or just use the little rover buggy thing.

I'm excited to keep playing this game and meeting members of the community. So far everyone has been really helpful and welcoming and that has kept me coming back. Its not easy to be vulnerable and play a game that is so complex, especially for people that have thousands of hours in it and multiple years of gameplay. They have been cool though, just happy to see someone enjoying a game they themselves have loved for years. I think this is the kind of game you can come back to over and over again, especially since its one of the best space games according to lovers of the genre.

I have upgraded from the Sidewinder to the Cobra MK III. More upgrades to follow!