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Moonshade Gaming



Joined seven months ago



Suggest a massive Elite Dangerous reward (we might even run it!)

in Elite Dangerous


In one of the other Just About communities I recall seeing a "Be the first to ___" challenge, and I think an event like that could be implemented in Elite fairly easily.

With the upcoming release of the Trailblazer update, there is going to be a community push to colonize systems. The first CMDR to get a system colonized with, say, both a orbital station and a ground port deserves to be recognized and rewarded for their effort.

As far as verification goes, screenshots of the purchase and placement of the claim beacon, arrival of the first carrier, and completion of each port, accompanied by screenshots of the system architect UI to show your ownership should be sufficient. Obviously some of the specifics do still need to wait for the release of Pathfinders (or at least for the Elite Partners to share their test server footage) for us to know what exactly can be pulled to use as proof.

Additionally, there could be separate categories; one for CMDRs that work mostly on their own, and another for CMDRs backed by a squadron. For a CMDR colonizing a system [mostly] on their own, screenshots of the starting material requirements and screenshots of their deliveries showing that they bought and delivered at least 75%+ of the materials would be sufficient proof (can't exactly stop space truckers from randomly pitching in should they feel so inclined). A CMDR working with their squadron should still be moving a sizable portion of the materials, let's say 30%.

I imagine there would likely be several more considerations to make, but as a framework, I believe this has merit for an upcoming challenge.