Generally speaking I like to give my ships female names, I think just because I tend to refer to a ship as a "she". I also like to use alliteration, I think because it's kind of quirky. Some of my other ship names include:
Dixie Diamondback, Elissa Explorer (ASP), Pria Python, Katie Krait (Mk II), Alexis Anaconda, Carly Cutter (Imperial), Vicki Vulture, Clara Clipper (Imperial), Collie Courier (Imperial), Freda Fer-Der-Lance, Clhoe Cobra (Mk III), Debbie Dolphin, Olivia Orca, and Percy Python.
I don't know exactly why but it makes me smile / laugh when I hear myself saying Goosey Gunship, so that's why it's my favourite name for a ship.