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Joined six months ago



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in Elite Dangerous


Given the recent ahem... Thargoid-Based-Incident, I decided to give evacuations a go. I'm not going to give a Cr/hour number, as it varies between systems and your build. I was pleasantly surprised that the hyperdictions are fairly easily survivable: make sure you keep cold and fast. For those who want my build, it's here.

All you need is a ship equipped with heatsinks, passenger cabins and module/hull reinforcements. Head over to and find an invasion system with a Starport. Dock over there and pick up passenger evac missions, then jump to the rescue megaship.

When you get hyperdicted (you will!) drop a heatsink and boost away. If your shields go down, disable them (to save on heat/power). Keep below 20% heat and you're golden! For those who want a more detailed write-up, I have a blog post on it here ( Alex Sinclair please say if you want the link removed!)

Enjoy :D
