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Create a guide on how to play Ymir in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

Ymir is a longtime SMITE fan favorite. Classified as a Guardian in SMITE 1, he plays a tanky defensive style where he uses his crowd control to assist his teammates in shutting down enemy gods and protecting his teammates.

  • Frostbite (Passive)

Ymir's damaging abilities apply frostbite when they damage or CC (Crowd Control) enemies. Frostbitten enemies take more basic attack damage from you and deal less damage to you.

  • Ice Wall

Ymir creates a wall at the chosen location that knocks back enemies on creation. You can reactivate the ability to destroy the ice wall early

  • Glacial Strike

Ymir smashes his club into the ground, creating a field of ice that deals Magical damage and slows enemies hit by 25% for 2 seconds.

  • Frost Breath

Ymir unleashes a freezing breath in a cone in front of him, stunning enemies hit and dealing magical damage. The stun lasts for 1second and increases by 0.15 seconds per rank up to 1.6 seconds.

  • Shards of Ice (Ultimate)

Ymir freezes the air in a circle around him, slowing enemies by 40% as it is channeled. After 3 seconds, the area erupts, dealing magical damage to all enemies in the area. Ymir can reactivate the ability to erupt early, dealing less damage. Ymir is also CC immune during the duration of this ability.

Ymir excels as a support, so it is where I would recommend playing him. Try to engage enemies by hitting them with frost breath first to stun them ( If you are struggling to get close enough, use Ice Wall behind the enemy to prevent them from running away) , and allow your team to move in on the enemies without threat of being attacked by them, and hit the enemy with a basic attack while they are still stunned to do extra damage with Ymir's passive. Follow this up by hitting them with glacial freeze to slow them and prevent their escape and continue to hit them with basic attacks while they are slowed. When you are ready to use your ultimate, place your wall in the way of the enemies escape to keep them in the area, and use frost breath to stun them, the activate your ultimate as they will not be able to escape while they are stunned. If the enemy god lacks a leap or dash to escape the area, allow the ult to fully charge, dealing maximum damage to your enemy.


Share your best SMITE 2 tips now it's in open beta!

in SMITE 2

50 rewards remaining

Having played a considerable amount of SMITE 1 and now some SMITE 2, some of my tips for new players would be the following

  • Figure out what game mode suits you best. SMITE 2 has Arena ( A 5v5 brawl game with constant fighting that will last about 15 minutes), Joust ( A 3v3 game mode with a single lane and a small jungle), Assault (a 5v5 game with a single lane and no recalling so you fight until you die) and Conquest ( a 5v5 game mode with 5 unique roles, 3 lanes, a large jungle that will last 20-40 minutes typically).

  • Select a small group of gods that interest you be it because of their looks, playstyle, or abilities. Play these gods a lot early on and in back to back games, so you can get a better feel for them and start to get comfortable. Understanding how to play the god will also help you when it comes time to fight against them.

  • Take things one at a time. There are a lot of mechanics in SMITE 2 that can be challenging to learn early on. If you don't have a strong grasp on items yet, leave auto-build on, or use the recommended build. If you play conquest try to play the same role each game so you can become more comfortable with it, before you switch between all 5 each game.

  • Each time you die, try to think about what went wrong. Were you playing to far up in your lane? Did the enemy gank you because you didn't have wards? did you get caught out of position away from your team? If you can identify your mistakes and make actions to correct them, you will slowly but surely grow into a much better SMITE 2 player.

  • Once you get a better grasp on the game start looking for new ways to expand your game knowledge, such as what are the strongest gods in the game right now for each role. Understand each gods kit, so when you fight them you can know what they are going to do so you can counter it. Not all items are equal so understand which ones are the strongest so you can get an advantage that way.

Playing more will sharpen your skills, but the best players are those who can read the situation and act accordingly, so always be sure to take the best course of action to ensure a win for you and your teammates, and you'll be a great SITE 2 player before you know it. Good Luck!


Create a guide on how to play Aphrodite in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2

30 rewards remaining

Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Beauty is a ranged magical character that excels at healing and buffing allies to give her team the edge in a fight. She is primarily played as either a mid of support in conquest and this guide will teach you her kit and how to best utilize her.

Center of Attention (Passive)

  • Aphrodite gains 4 magical and physical protections for each friendly and enemy god nearby.


  • Fire a kiss projectile at an allied god to link a soul mate, giving you both increased movement speed, and reduce Kiss's cooldown. If the kiss hits an enemy god, they take magical damage, are stunned and your soul mate becomes jealous, increasing their damage dealt. Your soul mate also gains 50% of your mana regen and 10% of your protections. You will need to be linked to a soul mate for 5 seconds before switching to make a god jealous.

Back Off!

  • Deal Magical damage, slow and push away enemies around you. If you have a soul mate, this ability will activate around them as well. An enemy hit by both areas will take reduced damage from the 2nd area.

Love Birds

  • Fire a doves projectile that deals magical damage repeatedly over time to enemies hit. Aphrodite and her soul mate will also heal over time and have their active cooldowns decreased per tick.

Undying Love (Ultimate)

  • You and your soul mate become damage immune, CC immune and gain the jealousy effect for a short duration. Aphrodite can reactivate this ability to leap to her soul mate. Activating this ability also refreshes the cooldown on Love Birds.

I would recommend Aphrodite be played in a support role as she shas good CC by being able to stun enemies with her kiss while simultaneously buffing her allies, as well as using Back Off! to disrupt the enemy team and force them out of position, or in a defensive position she can force the enemy away from her own teammates. As a support she will also constantly be around her teammates to buff them as well as utilize her passive. Build items that provide intelligence and defense to increase your healing as well as provide teammates a portion of your protections. Items Like Stampede, Rod of Asclepius and Gem of Focus will help out a lot in this role.

Aphrodite should always start an interaction by being linked to a teammate as long as one is nearby. She can then follow up in a fight by using kiss again to stun the enemy and buff her ally with jealousy. With the enemy stunned her and her ally can jump onto the enemy and use Back Off! to deal damage and further separate the enemy from their own team. Aphrodite can now use Love Birds to deal more damage, lower her and her allies cooldowns as her other abilities have been used now, and she and her ally have probably taken some damage at this point that can be healed. If the enemy team does enough damage to your team, or they use their ultimate, Aphrodite can use Undying Love to heal and protect her teammate and ensure survival and win the fight.

When in a large team fight try to stay close to your allies so that you can be ready to counter any push by the enemy and keep your damage dealers alive, while also switching kiss onto any ally who gets to low. If you are unsure of who to stay on primarily when your team is all together, keeping your ally who does the most damage alive is a safe bet. The more you play the better a feel you will get, for which ally is best suited to being your primary choice.

If this playstyle sounds like one you'd enjoy, try picking Aphrodite in your next game and spread some love by keeping your teammates alive and healthy while you cruise to a win. Enjoy!


Create a guide on how to play Sobek in SMITE 2!

in SMITE 2


Sobek is a tank style of character in Smite 2. Best played in the Support or Solo positions in Conquest, Sobek excels at an aggressive style of play where the player will dash into the enemy team, breaking their ranks displacing members of the enemy team and thereby allowing your teammates to pick them off creating a mismatch in your favor.

Sobek's kit consists of

Blessing of the Nile (Passive)

  • When Sobek deals damage he gains a stack of protections . Each stack provides 2 protections plus an additional 0.4 per level. This effect can stack up to 3 times and lasts for 10 seconds. Each of Sobek's abilities can only provide 1 stack per casting.

Charge Prey

  • Sobek dashes forward stopping at the first enemy he hits, dealing magical damage and stunning them before throwing them behind him. While Dashing Sobek is displacement immune and CC immune while throwing.

Tail Whip

  • Sobek spins his tail, dealing magical damage and knocking back enemies in an area around him.

Sickening Strike

  • Sobek strikes out in a cone in front of him dealing magical damage and applies a disease that reduces healing received for 5 seconds. Enemies hit also take damage over time for 2.5 seconds and can spread the disease to other nearby enemies. Sobek also reduces Sickening Strikes cooldown and heals for each enemy hit, up to a maximum of 4

Lurking in the Waters (Ultimate)

  • Sobek dives underwater slowing enemies in an area above him and grants himself CC immunity, Protections and Mana Regen. After 4 seconds Sobek emerges dealing damage to enemies in range. Sobek can cancel this ability to emerge early, dealing less damage. Enemies below 10-25% HP, will be executed depending how long Sobek stays emerged granting Sobek healing and 25 permanent bonus Health.

A good way to initiate with Sobek is to use Charge Prey to dash into an enemy god and throwing them behind you, so that they are separated from their team and can be easily attacked by your allies. Follow this up by using Tail Whip to knock back the enemy and prevent them from running back to safety. Use Sickening Strike to deal additional damage and regain some health you might have lost in the fight, and finally if you get the enemy god to less than a quarter health, use Lurking in the waters to finish them off and give yourself a permanent boost to your own Health.

Able to throw around enemies, reduce their healing while healing himself, Sobek can be a menace to fight who quickly breaks down a teams ranks and singles them out allowing him and his allies to make short work of their opponents. If this playstyle sounds like it suits you, try Sobek out and watch as your enemies quickly learn why they should fear what lurks below the waters of the Nile.