Ymir is a longtime SMITE fan favorite. Classified as a Guardian in SMITE 1, he plays a tanky defensive style where he uses his crowd control to assist his teammates in shutting down enemy gods and protecting his teammates.
Ymir's damaging abilities apply frostbite when they damage or CC (Crowd Control) enemies. Frostbitten enemies take more basic attack damage from you and deal less damage to you.
Ymir creates a wall at the chosen location that knocks back enemies on creation. You can reactivate the ability to destroy the ice wall early
Ymir smashes his club into the ground, creating a field of ice that deals Magical damage and slows enemies hit by 25% for 2 seconds.
Ymir unleashes a freezing breath in a cone in front of him, stunning enemies hit and dealing magical damage. The stun lasts for 1second and increases by 0.15 seconds per rank up to 1.6 seconds.
Ymir freezes the air in a circle around him, slowing enemies by 40% as it is channeled. After 3 seconds, the area erupts, dealing magical damage to all enemies in the area. Ymir can reactivate the ability to erupt early, dealing less damage. Ymir is also CC immune during the duration of this ability.
Ymir excels as a support, so it is where I would recommend playing him. Try to engage enemies by hitting them with frost breath first to stun them ( If you are struggling to get close enough, use Ice Wall behind the enemy to prevent them from running away) , and allow your team to move in on the enemies without threat of being attacked by them, and hit the enemy with a basic attack while they are still stunned to do extra damage with Ymir's passive. Follow this up by hitting them with glacial freeze to slow them and prevent their escape and continue to hit them with basic attacks while they are slowed. When you are ready to use your ultimate, place your wall in the way of the enemies escape to keep them in the area, and use frost breath to stun them, the activate your ultimate as they will not be able to escape while they are stunned. If the enemy god lacks a leap or dash to escape the area, allow the ult to fully charge, dealing maximum damage to your enemy.